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Aaron Beveridge


C'mon people ask me :)

170 Replies

When was the last time you cried and why ?

Haha Idk

Azzabevo123 replied 3680 days ago

What has wasted your time the most this year ?

****ibg school

Azzabevo123 replied 3685 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?


Azzabevo123 replied 3688 days ago

Don't **** with Azza
He is a good bloke who doesn't need ur shït so lay off here for ya buddy some people don't know how to shut there mouths umwhat1

Thanks mate

Azzabevo123 replied 3692 days ago

Nothing's going to happen because you will lose her

Okay whatever you say that's her choice not mine I'm going to sleep goodnight

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

Haha your a loser your a little ***** stop acting all tough. I was just warning you that you'll lose Shanleigh soon and if you don't believe me you'll wait and see mate.

I never said I was, and what's gonna happen if I don't lose her??

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

He's my f**gôt leave him alone Kiwigirl123

Aww thanks Hun xx

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

What about if we meet up and talk over it cause I'm sure I'll kick you right in the face for treating Shanleigh like ****.

Okay message me on fb then and we can arrange it

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

Is that all you got mate? You wouldn't think it's funny when you lose her and it's going that way, I know a lot about u that she has told me and from what I see your a total loser and she fares with me.

Well good on ya :) do I even know you, shoot me a message on Facebook and we can talk on there

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

This c*nt knows a lot about me must stalk me alot opps Kiwigirl123


Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

Wtf you don't even know how she feels she doesn't tell u jack **** because she has no trust in you. Your not the one who picks up the broken peices when you hurt her and make her feel like ****. It's always me making her happy and making sure she's okay!

You sound a bit emotional do you want a cuddle

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

No I like my pop corn Kiwigirl123

Awww :(

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

Interesting stuff let me just get my pop corn :) Kiwigirl123

Haha share with me xx

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

I can question who ever I want She honestly has the rights to kick you in the face because if I was her I would up and leave you straight away and find a boy who didn't do that. She's beautiful and one day I hope I can call her mine

Well if you call her yours one day your a lucky guy, I've explained myself to her and she knows how I feel

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

Can't remember

Azzabevo123 replied 3709 days ago