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talk sh*t get hit

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BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Why was jess crying and freaking out on Thursday ?

She said she couldn't move her body ( was being held down ) idk she doesn't like me talking about it becours she's embarrassed, but yeah she was being held down by nothing that could be seen then i woke up to her crying and like gripping me tight af after about half hour she went to the bathroom. I assume that's when you heard her. I mean Iv had that experience aswell tbh. I mean I didn't cry. But I was freaked out ahhaha. So yeah wasn't anything I did hahah. She's fine now tho FYI

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Don't tell me to chill.

You're on my buddy.

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

A blue light that makes everything glow white
Your little black book you always write stuff in
Red laces
All of twenty one pilots albums
A kitten( black )
And a years supply of megorang....... She may want theses ^-^

Oh she's coincidently given you a list of what she wants has she ? Hahahahahah ok well She won't be reading my book, or getting a kitten. The rest she may be able to get is she behaves and stops saving over my GOD DANM FILES IN FALLOUT!!!!!!, for real tho do you know what she may be getting me ? ;)

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

Seeing Andy's little Asian butt. The scares still haunt me.

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

You are such an A$$hole when it's hot

SOz, please forgive me <3 I'm bad with the heat

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Did you hit that izzy girl cause she made you mad ?

Um wtf ? No! did she say that ?

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Why why would she bother calling you for ? And not her parents or something ?

She said she felt safest calling me Cours I'm one of maxes friends that would Actuslly go against him if he was wrong. Most of his mates lie for him to her. I don't. If he's being shady. I won't run stright to her and tell, but if she asked, I wouldn't lie, and she has trusted me before and I haven't let her down. Cause I don't break promises. Anyway And tell them what? " hey I'm at Richmond station crying Cours I went to go see a fckboy that stood me up? No. And all of her friends either didn't respond or were out. Plus I was in the city aswell ( which she knew ) so it didn't take me long to go grab her. 3 train stops I think.

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Talk sht get hit - jasmine &lt;3

I'd wreck your punk as* sweetie. ;)

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Seen the undernews ? Looks like it's antifa vs GENIRATION IDENTIITY.

Yeah I know right. All it is is F*cking Neil wanting to get rowdy. He doesn't realize that he would have 20 guys ready for the next rally ( 30 MAX ) to our what? 60+ rocking up within an hour ? Hahahhaha seriosuly there was over 100 anti racism people that rocked up against Neil and upf and all those guys ( so technically they were with us ) within na hour. He has no chance to get those numbers. Man needs to be smart and stay home. They are no threat. But we haven't come face to face yet with any of there members. So will be interesting.....

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

There was an argument and I just wanted an opinion


BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Oi don't talk smack about my dream Catcher you little fgt!

It's gay m8, I rate it 1/1000. Should have gotten it on your face.

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Your ex Lilly?

Ok 1 it's spelt lilli hah
2 she kinda wasn't an ex. She almost was but s*it happend. So yeah wasn't my ex but close Enogh to be
And 3 your question was do miss her ? Yeah to an exstent, like I miss talking to her, cause she was easy to talk to. Like I didn't have to watch what I said or try hard or anything like that. It was just easy. So in that regard yes I'm miss her. But we did have a pretty big fight and she said some pretty f*cked up things to me, so I mean it's hard to forget that sort if stuff and just remeber all the good. But yes over all I kinda do miss talking to her.

BMTRYAN replied 3362 days ago

Face tattoos r 4 homos.

So is that little dream catcher on your thigh.

BMTRYAN replied 3371 days ago

Answe my question !

I have a life lol. But I just did it fyi. So chill

BMTRYAN replied 3371 days ago