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If you mean dating as in a relationship, no and I guess the reason would be that my main focus is me and don't really have time for anything else...
I wouldn't change a thing...
LOL...... Seriously ??
rnClearly you need to get laid!!!!! Asking me about my *experience won\'t help your frustration so cut it out.
I'm not going to answer it simply cause I don't have time to pick at my brain and think of everyone I've dated..... Not a fun thing to do, why don't you try it and tell me how it works out for you
Who ever asked this question is a perv and I don't have an answer for you all I can do is pray for you
No comment........
There is this one guy in particular he definitely has my heartbeat running away but I say his name
its been almost 3 weeks and if I do go out I don't know who I'll b with
Yes I think they are adorable and cuddly........
I can't really say but its a tie between 2 people
That q is dangerous and if I answer it I'll be in a very compromising position
Yes I am single and loving it
Lol I can't answer that if I don't know who you.........
I can't exactly put my finger on it but I'd say I never had to question how he felt about me, I could just see it in his eyes
(••,) Shaun, sweetest guy ever
Sounds programmed that's all
Ha kena diphiri and y does this person ask me personally
I have been told so......
Crazy, friendly and adorable