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Make it interesting but still think before you type

234 Replies

How do I finger a girl so she has the time of her life?

ummmm how about making her feel special by doing cute things for her and treating her like a queen she is and show her how much you respect her instead of this...

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1946 days ago

How do I ask my girl out?

It all depends of the type of girl, but it has to be in person and try not just ask them to be your girlfriend rather have like a punch of roses or a single rose and a letter, it literally can be anything as long as it is sentimental and she can see you put effort into it and try and not do it in a public place

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1946 days ago

Can I have $ex with you?

Oh hello ?šŸ˜‚

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1982 days ago

Ayy gorgeous, we need to make plans Xx

Eyyy Iā€™m keen just dm or pm me xx

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1985 days ago

How do u get over someone that gives u mixed signals which makes u think that u should still be liking her

The only way to really find out is to ask her face to face if she likes you and tell her how you feel if she starts avoiding you and doesnā€™t like you back then you should try and move on from her, if she likes you back then obviously continue to keep building on the relationship, but if she keeps giving you mixed signals then sheā€™s most probably just wants the attention you give her and nothing more so I suggest rather to just distance yourself as much as possible from her

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1991 days ago

I want to have $ex with you.

Howā€™s about never šŸ˜‚

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1992 days ago

What are you supposed to do when lots of guys like the same girl and u don't want to make it a competition but u still want to go for her, like the ruby situation

Well thereā€™s no crime in still continuing to like her it just becomes very difficult when this happens, from experience, if she does like you or ends up liking you then it doesnā€™t matter who all likes her because youā€™re the one she likes at the end of the day, just continue to keep showing her how you feel about her until she gives you a sign that sheā€™s not interested, if she doesnā€™t give you a sign then just keep showing her how much you like her

Babyyy_girl_ replied 1992 days ago

People always come to you for relationship advice hey šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but if YOU ever need help
Come to ME SEEā¤

Awwww dankie but who is this ? ā™„ļøšŸ˜‚

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2003 days ago


Hey xx

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2011 days ago

Hey Caylee I'm in your grade and I really like Ruby like I'm head over heals for her. I don't think she knows. What would the best way be for me to tell her this? Please help me. šŸ‘Œ

Maybe leave like cute notes in her bag or pencil case not saying itā€™s from you but do cute things like that, then eventually when you grow enough courage tell her that you like her preferably in person it just means a lot more and sheā€™ll appreciate it a lot more, even if she doesnā€™t like you she will realize how much effort youā€™re putting in and sheā€™ll realize how much you like her and maybe sheā€™ll give you a chance, if things donā€™t work out though just stay good friends with her because sometimes friendship lasts wayyy longer than relationships

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2025 days ago

I did tell her but dont think she feels the same way

Maybe just keep things on the down low for now and just keep showing her how much she means to you and just show her that youā€™ll do anything for her and give her compliments now and then and show her how a girl should be treated and spoken to

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2040 days ago

I dont think she is into me ,what do I say

What do you mean by that?

If youā€™re talking about telling her how you feel then I think you should go for it life it too short to hold back because youā€™re scared of what the outcome will be, start trying to make plans with her more often, make an effort to talk to her in personā™„ļø

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2040 days ago

Were is a good place

Definitely not a place that is too crowded and make it special where itā€™s just the two of you maybe when in a picnic or on a date and so on

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2063 days ago 1

Were is a good place to ask her out to?

Either a place that is very special to her and romantic or a place that is special to the both of you

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2064 days ago

What to do if u like a girl but she's not into relationships?

Wait for her and keep trying and showing her you care about her, donā€™t make her feel Ike youā€™re forcing her to like you she wait until she changes her mind about the whole relationship thing

Babyyy_girl_ replied 2064 days ago