alexandra lombardo
What is good in your life right now?
My eyebrows
What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?
That I'm a meth head lmao
Whats annoying you right now?
nothing really I'm pretty okay
If you could live in any country, what one would it be?
im not sure tbh
i fcking love you to bits but because we haven't spoken for long, i'm scared that you won't like me for the person i am now. forever and ever your pal tho homie :*
talk to me please. ive changed a lot so you never know. message me
What are you passionate about?
How do you plan on ending this year ?
Happily hopefully
What turns you off ?
Most beards
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That I can do it. I can be a musician and live happily. I can be free
Do u still go to school
Everyday, why???
why else would i want your face
I dont know
i want your face
To wear as a mask?
Why are you special ???
Lmao I'm not
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Don't be too trusting but make sure you take opportunities that arise
Battery percentage on your phone?
What is your idea of living the good life?
Playing music for a living
Having people I love around me
What is the most expensive thing you own ?
Probably my bass guitar.. Or my bed
What would you call your autobiography?
What do you want most out of life?
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
I would be the most amazing bass guitar in all the land
What is your motto?
I could die tomorrow. So take opportunities that arise
What is your current state of mind?
Tired and sad
Why do you make so many annoying statuses
Because jess's dck
Thoughts on me $exy? Xx Lozenger
You are stunning and a trustworthy friend. You have given me some great advice and I love you <3
Ayyy lmao nudes please?
No m8
u wan sum fuk
Thank you. But no thank you
Last great thing you did ?
Well I didn't kill anyone today so...
Chicken is good for you sometimes :D Benji_meme
Thanks for the advice Ben
My love for you is in a constant conflict, ever since I first meet you some days I love you and some days I don't.
I'm sorry Idk what I can do
You should get off anon
Opinions on suicide and self harm?
I'm here for anyone going through that. I could rant for ages but people need to be aware of the affect their actions have on others and how that can lead to hurting themselves
Do you or have you ever liked someone while they are in a relationship
Hasn't every one. But no, not currently
Favorite band?
Probably The 1975 ATM
It changes regularly
Favorite memory?
Too many to decide
stop taking pictures of half your face
I like my picture thanks
Can I s h i t on your chest
Umm not into that sorry
Its a trap
thanks for the heads up
you're gay. kidding love you ben you are awesome
I understand, it would be pretty creepy getting random anonymous people telling you that they think that you are attractive. I would tell you to your face but I am a chicken.
dont be. i am actually kinda nice
That is nice, I think you are beautiful but because you like someone else I will leave you alone :)
im sorry :/ sorry the way i said that was abrupt...
Do you like anyone atm?
yeah btch
Why are you so gorgeous
Shut up Milly
Who was your first crush ?
I can actually remember. Is that sad? It was in kindergarten
What is your greatest regret ?
I regret nothing. Regret is useless