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Baily Stanley


Ask me anything you like anonymously

25 Replies

Why do u not answer all ur other questions u chicken ??

I answer all the questions that aren't stupid! So your question my friend would have been stupid or someting I'm not going to answer.

Bazzaman replied 3037 days ago

Can you please cut your hair.... it dead set looks terrible!

So is your face, but you don't see me complaining ....

Bazzaman replied 3037 days ago

Do you know u now have such a bad name in the horse industry

Always gotta put someone else down about your own insecurities! Why now why do I magically all of a sudden have a bad name unless some stupid immature child is running around talking sht, which I wouldn't be suppressed if it is you! Why don't u come forward send me a message ??

Bazzaman replied 3037 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

School :)

Bazzaman replied 3047 days ago

Who do you hate and why?

Not going to publicise it, I would only 'hate' someone if you've done wrong by me.

Bazzaman replied 3047 days ago

Celebrity crush?

Don't have one .

Bazzaman replied 3047 days ago

Best friend?

I have a few...

Bazzaman replied 3047 days ago

Favourite food?

Crispy Kreme ???

Bazzaman replied 3047 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Your face

Bazzaman replied 3741 days ago

What freaks you out ?


Bazzaman replied 3857 days ago

Thoughts on meeee jess2111

Awsome friend can u Trust you with allot have had some good times!

Bazzaman replied 3894 days ago

Have you ever farted in public?


Bazzaman replied 3894 days ago

What are you really good at?

Being myself!

Bazzaman replied 3904 days ago

Last time you cried?

Today when Jess punched me in the balls!! Not cool otherwise a long tiime

Bazzaman replied 3937 days ago

Are you gay? Why do you put your hair up in a weird pony tail? Why are you so nosey? grow up please.

Nah I'm not gay!! And I'm noset cause that's who I am don't like it build a bridge and get over it!!!! I am pretty grown up probabally more than you!!

Bazzaman replied 3937 days ago