Busisiwe Mazibuko
Do u think u have a good heart?
Well yeah... Guess God made me have it...
U Beautiful for real girl. I know u think u not, but damn u are. God created beauty and u seem to be an example of it, if u don't know that now u do. #XoXo
#teardrop....thanks al0t and i thank God....and yeah n0w i kn0w...
I must tell u Tebogo doesnt love u, I do!eish just that wena u play Hard to get..! Why don't u want me mara eh?
Ehm....... AKWARD!!!
....dude have don't u got sumting else to type..
Who do u think likes u at school...
I t0tally have n0 clue,and i d0n't Care..
What happened to you and tshebo he you dont seem to be as close as you were
Tj0 tj0 tj0 loo0ng as* st0ry,wena just kn0w its 0ne that aint n0where cl0se to being repaired..cuz of all different things we tawk/argue bwt....it keeps g0in in parrallel lines...dnt knw if we\'d stil be cl0se 4rwnds anytime s00n!
Why uphapha kanje mara
Bby i waz b0rn this way.
Do u know i love u? Since that day i layed eyes on you...u just the sweetest.
..Do u knw i dnt knw u...? L0l nc0h man sweet thanx for l0ving me....wh0 wouldnt #amN0Tbraggin
Hi this is someone u known from a loong time just wanted to let u know that u are still my awesome bestes pal in the whole widest world mwah. Rock sweety keep it up missy A/S
Nc0h...#touched.. Thats s0 sweet don't w0rry nawe wh0eva u are u stil my bestest pal...mwah..
Geeze girl u got Big eyes...
Kwakakakakakaka..l0l..ey to bad can't change them...cuz i lurv them
U rock girl
Thanx sweety..mwah..
I hear uve got white hair and u keep on diyin it black so nobody could see it!!!! Y dnt u be urself and show ur true granny colours???? Hahaha!!!
LMA0...why u telling me ur st0ry...nch0...shame bathu...
you believe in true friendship?
Yeah i truelly d0...mara ei s0me friends can really be wh0 u wuldnt want them to be..
Wh0's your Role Model..?
My m0m..
Why can't u get yourcelf A Boy4rwnd at sch00l..?
Why sh0uld i have a Boifriend at sch00l?
Who do u have a crush on at school..?
L0l,n0 i d0n't have a Crush 0n any0ne..
Who have u dated at school..?
N0 one....
Thanx,.HE loves u t00
Who are you dating currently
N0 0ne.....
Who's ur fvourite pers0n in this W0rld...?
My m0m...
H0w was your Spring day?...
Lma0,awes0me i they didn't wait for me at my bus st0p....
Do u think therez someone who has a crush on you??
L0l..I d0n't kn0w...if there is someone they wouldve came tah me already.
Who do u have a crush 0n..?
N0 0ne really...
What keeps u g0ing?
Firstly G0d,m0st 0f my family memberz like my m0m nd aunt,my buddies the ,my best friends Exp Tseb0....the fact that i have a life,and the fact that i w0ke up in the M0rning and i get to see a new day..
Are you dating Lionel??
L0l N0...
Awu yende uza nini ekasi lami
Yende angazi i've been extremly busy ey angina skhathi
Why are u s0 mean?'
O.M.W .......I'm n0t mean...n0t at all
Who is ur ex be4 tebogO?
Where d0 u see yourself in 5 yearz??
3rd year in university..and i see myself d0ing al0t of thngs,f0r instant i see my slf being at the tip of success
H0w waz your w0rld kicng day?
Lma0...it was just gr8,and i 0nly kicd my friends...am n0t lesbian i 0nly gave them baby kisses
What do0 u think about your ex??
Lma0,sh0uld i really answer that??
Wat z da craziest thing u hav ever done 4 luv
I can't recall d0ing anythng crazy f0r l0ve
Would you date your cousin?
Lma0...to tell the truth.. N0.NEVA
Hey how many times have u had *ex n don't lie busi....!!!!
NEVER in my life have i had it,and am n0t lieng.
Hey tell me r u into rock?
Am n0t really into rock....
Who do u fear most??
What makes u so Beautiful???
Lma0....ehm...Its G0d,he takes care of me and luks after my beauty
Which American celeb w0uld you prefere to *** to S.A
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Ehm.....none yet...
Describe yourself in 3 words?