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Caylar Beanie


Ask wat you want juts no hating

255 Replies

Don’t know you but want to WhatsApp you advice???

Sure go ahead

BeanieMegan97. replied 2312 days ago

Hey Caylarrrrr
Lots of missings see you later ?❤️

Jonelle ❤️❤️ can't wait

BeanieMegan97. replied 2312 days ago

You say you are a Christian but you have tattoos when the Bible says you are not aloud to. Greatttt example ?

Ooh hater you back ??
Haha don't Bible bash me
God doesn't have a problem with tattoos
If I get a tattoo of the dead on your body with there name death date and birth date then it's very wrong
But wait God has a tattoo of your name on his hand and a tattoo on his leg saying the king of kings
Your living in the old testament
This is the new age go read the new testament
And go ask God why you have so much hate on people with tattoos ? sies

BeanieMegan97. replied 2313 days ago

What happend last night

I don't remember ?? but my friends were awesome enough to take me home toy dad ❤️ and I love them for it

BeanieMegan97. replied 2313 days ago

Will you fck a guy you know for less than a year?


BeanieMegan97. replied 2326 days ago

if you knew her you’d know the doesnt hive a sht on what people think so clearly you haven’t met her oh and how can you hate on her when you haven’t met her? Or if you met her?GoOdByE ??- Jonelle ❤️


BeanieMegan97. replied 2357 days ago

Fokof jy's n slet

Sies aan jouself om so te dink oor ander mense

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Kry n lewe
Maar kry een waar dit is nie in hierdie kontinent

Awwwwww shame lewe met dit
Bou n brige en kom oor dit

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Jy's n slet sies aan jouself

Sies aan jouself om iemand so uit toe roep ?maak my vies as iemand so klein oor ander mense dink ???

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Are you a prostitute!!!

Aggggggg 10th time ?just because u wear chockers doesn't mean I'm a prostitute ? really dude

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Why do you always fck around guys?

I do not do that ?

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Centurion ❤️?

Nooit bra dis toe veer vir my

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago


I have plenty of shell fish if you want

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Your heartless

?me never ?

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago

Don't tell me you got a new tattoo ? stop trying tot fit in

?Awwwwww hater you back i missed you

BeanieMegan97. replied 2358 days ago