Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
lol no don't ever class me with those people. I am fluent in japanese thanks to anime and i probably know much more about japanese culture than you do. If you ever insult me like this again i will cut you with my katana collection i and rasengan ur as* back to the leaf village dattebayoo!
i said send me questions not feed send me lies AHAHAHAHAHAH she's a f*****
old enough to pee, old enough for me.
Yes I do!!1 haven't played for a year or so but I'm still like at level 470 on candy crush!1!
I'll just name all the ones I can remember LOL Dom and Eric Nguyen!!1, then all my buddies from civics LOL victor, melvin and vinny. And peter woohoo!1!1!1!1! Is a *ex god. Also michael cheng o wait hes not mhs ha ha ha
I wouldnt mind feeling Katy Perry's plastic bags ha ha ha
hi hannah don't b hating because I am the master of topdecking AHAHAHAHA
Hi Yasmin!1!1 I think the first time I met you was at winter concert rehearsals in year 9 and my first impression was 'woah wtf this chick is so loud and crazy if this is what girls are like I think I like men now' AHAHHAHA nah I'm kidding. THEN WE DIDNT TALK FOR LIKE A WHOLE YEAR?1?1 we met again at house cup GOOD JOB ORGANISING TABLE TENNIS!1 we actually met properly at Rohan's party and you seem like you're really open to making new friends and talking to new people which is COOL! It was a big surprise because the next thing I knew I was in a big group hug with you and Holly and I'm like woah is this like social, do hugs count as half hooks, did I just get two half hooks which means I just got one full hook?1? Apparently hugs do count as half hooks but they round down to 0 :((. I THINK YOU ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED MY BUTT at the party and I'm like 'who touched my butt?' 'I didn't say stop' and then u slapped my as* and I'm thinking 'wtf this is *exual harrassment' 'do it again.' Recently I've realised you're actually a pretty cool person to talk to and your snapchats are so derpy that I don't even bother retaking mine 30 times until they look good before I send bc I'll still look better than u #rekt. IM KIDDING u send quality snapchats (y) YOU LAUGH AT MY JOKES YAYAYA HAHAHA. Your old fb dps are so funny AHAHHA also keep saving up for that half nipple you'll have enough some day HAHAHA
nothing, especially not irony. *sneezes*
Sure, I can make your virginity disappear. Coz Abra-ka-DAMN GURL U FINE.
Yes I caught it as a young boy, and coming to mhs only made my condition worsen.
Tbh Julia u r a loser. OKAY LETS SEE I started talking to you like a few weeks ago AND LIKE at first I absolutely rekt u with a flat chest joke and I thought you were rly sensitive bc you unfriended me u fgt. BUT TURNS OUT you can take a joke which is good because I rek u so much. I think we have a good friendship because its half insulting each other and half DNM!!11111 man I'll be honest sometimes you have actually rekt me LIKE REALLY WELL and I sit there with my fists clenched thinking 'DID SHE JUST?????' ' DID THAT JUST HAPPEN, I GOT REKT' but other times ( most of the time) I insult you better bc ur insults r lame and weak. You are like really tall even though at first I always thought you were like midget size??? You are really gullible bc you thought I almost had *ex with an onion u r stoopid for not realising AHAHAHA. Ur snapchat game is weak compared to mine but somehow you have like 45k points like okay we get ur popular. You are rich and I expect you to shout me soft serve cones all the time from now on. I am quite a lot older than u and tbh u r so immature and you really need to learn to respect your elders!!! OVERALL I think u are the biggest loser ever but IM GLAD WE BECAME FRIENDS. :))) TL;DR you are weak and you will fall asleep first.
it sounds to me like you need a new pair of glasses AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
you need to stop hating on my dental puns and emBRACE them instead ha ha ha
I used to get nervous and scared about what would happen when I went to the dentist as a kid, but after going for so long..I know the drill.
Yes I do have a thing for 12 year olds. It's 10 inches long and it's really thick. That's right it's a maths book textbook because that's the only thing 12 year olds should be focused on.
I Gave her aids on board game online
Don't try and force the conversation. Give it a rest and try again. Try to be a bit more humorous, like I'm not saying to and google puns but get onto tumblr that usually helps. If they still are unresponsive and they kill the conversation move on to someone new. If you're putting effort into the conversation and they're not then they don't deserve to be your friend anyway.
Well to begin with I can tell you some things you'll want to avoid doing. Don't take ages to reply, don't be a grammar nazi on typos and don't ever visit 9gag and never link them to gangnam style. Take advantage of the online factor, Build like a collection of funny links and posts or youtube videos to send when the conversation goes cold and that funny link or video can lead to new things to talk about. And try to actually think a bit about your responses before you send them, don't just say things like 'okay' and 'I see' because they are conversation killers,
Young rae you need to start playing league of lesbians and then you can be a part of every group conversation and understand what's going on.
If you scroll down my timeline you'll see my Jen Nguyen pun and that is probably my favourite but there's also my response whenever someone asks me 'what's it like being a middle easterner?' 'Idk I can't really describe it, you have to c4 yourself'
It is usually a pleasant surprise! Most are pretty excited to meet someone new and are usually too shy to be the one to start the conversation so don't be shy, just go for it. But if you're nervous just pay attention to the way they reply, if theres lots of one word responses and if they're not putting any effort into keeping the conversation going you should probably take the hint and move on.
It was just too masculine like after every match I grew 5cm of chest hair and it was all too much for me. I had start playing something that was much more feminine, like rugby.
I know that feel. If possible start with trying to stay away from things that remind you of them, I know it's difficult but you need to accept in your mind that you aren't going to get back with them otherwise you are constantly going to be getting your hopes up and probably being disappointed. Once you have that that mind set you can go out and meet new people and have some fun again without thoughts about that person constantly being in the back of your mind and holding you back. I know that at the time it feels like you'll never get over them and you can't live without them but I guarantee you that with a bit of time the feeling will pass and you'll meet someone new and right for you and they will come into your life when you least expect it okay c:
1. Young Rae cho 2. Chathura 3. George Alex 4. sunny Hamid 5. Tuan
Well first you got to be really quite certain it's what you want to do like there's no going back you are potentially ruining a friendship by involving feelings. But if you're certain I guess the right time is after at least a month of getting to know them first and if you think they might like you back then you just gotta get them alone and make your move.
Ye I treat William like **** all the time lol. But it's not something to be taken seriously at the end of the day we're still friends #nohomo
You're only the favourite white person because I am black. And now you're a racist for calling me lame.
Good quality questions so far keep it up people
Hi William
Like twice a day I have to shave at lunchtime at school everyday or it's just out of control
Hmm I think maddie was the prettiest back then
Ayy akarin knows so many girls tho!! I don't think quite all of them know him LOL but it still counts
Peter Nguyen is a slayer look at the likes on his dp OMG!!111!
I'm in a complicated love triangle with my left and right hand
lol fku it was at 3.1k before my brother started playing ranked
What are you talking about, Nguyens are the biggest slayers out there
Well my friend it's either because your name is William Jia or you just need to uninstall league and get out there and go introduce yourself to them and not be shy.
Ayy grace is amazinggg. Very fun to talk to and fun to hang out with even though we don't talk as much as we used to, you still laugh at my jokes and think I'm funny so it's all good. You're good friends with Felix and angela and they have good taste in friends so I'm glad I met you through them.
Shhh m8 you can't even pronounce bagel
Good things come in small packages okay, better things come in big packages but still, what Byron lacks in size he makes up for in
Too big already to jelq doe
Thalia K rhymes with Angela's gay so pre damn cool
Might wax my legs for my birthday this year
Ayyy yess I was the only white guy in A
My rice is too big for cameras!!
LOL I always thought that was the normal length of rice and then I come to mhs and suddenly everyone has these midget rice grains wtf
AHAHHA YES GOOD WORK CALVIN!! Not surprised tbh never thought William was any good at maths anyway
Ayyy more like friend shipwrecked ha ha
Wooahh this is a tough one. 1. My mother 2. Your mother 3. Barack Obama 4. Zayn Malik 5. Kim Kardashian 6.etc But in all seriously this is a really tough one so I'm just going to go by my friends from last year and no particular order it would probs be angela, Jason, FELIX, calvin, Eric, Liana, Alan, Loc, harry/Michael/Jonathon/FRANK I could really go on forever but these are people who I talk to regularly and still chill with at lunchtimes or on the train
Hmm well I first met her like once because felix said hello to shirley on the train and she was there so I had her on facebook but I think akarin told her I made puns and so shes just like 'tell me a joke' and yeah we started talking
I have a lot of hair you need to be more specific LOL
I only get in to vans that offer free candy
Because I want to seem really masculine and what better way to do that than play table tennis??!!?
Lets be together 6eva <3
I can't really explain it, you have to c4 yourself AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Thanksss michael but DONT worry about it lol
Ok William, ok. Picture of your chest
I know lol. That's why I asked no one to be my valentine and they said yes!!!
THANKS MICHAEL! You are a butt biscuit
Um no you stole it from me!!! Just like the idea of making a qooh me account to become popular!!
do u think anonymous is a cool name bc it's not. Not even original I've seen like at least 12 people with that name on this site?!
Yeeeahh he sure is!! He said HES going solo to social this year and I can't wait to see how much he slays!!
That means I'm hotter than william tho
Hahahaha well my jokes might s*ck but they don't swallow like you ha ha AHAHA ilys whoever you are
Ayyy thanks Davies :)
Pls tell me this is William Jia
Hmm a girls greatest curve is her smile!!!! Jks um probs as* because macrob has about the same amount of t*** as mhs
I rock all the way to Uluru ha ha geddit BECUASE it is a big rock
U r way 2 cool 2 be 2rue. Assemblies are on Fridays tho and I have a Friday beard and I just can't pull off a 14 year old LOL
Ah well there are really too many to mention but ones I've seen recently would include Brodie, Jorge, Laszlo, Jordan, I even saw Daniel Te recently LOL. Hmm there were alot of others like girls and year 11s but I haven't seen them for ages now
Do u think u r big behind the computa u little ****. I will find u and I will end u ok
Is that like a new minecraft server???
Pls have you seen my dirty mexican moustache on my concession card picture AHAHHAH
Ahh I goatta think it over okay
OMG I will find out who u r ok and when I do ur ded m8. U just h8 me coz I'm blak go h8 on someone ur own size
OMG who is dis????????
Mmm i'm actually getting kind of sick of dumplings now tbh like last time I ate 31 or something
Why don't we have both? *crowd lifts small mexican girl into the air and everyone cheers*
Um not sure about the full length i only have one 30cm ruler at home