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Well advice I have is don\'t go buying the best software if u don\'t understand one thing about how to make music so just start out with something simple like I heard about something called DR Drum which has tutorials which teach u step by step how to make music and at a very basic level
Well I do House music coz it is more cultural and planned and dubsteb is just noise the only dubstep I find nice is Skrillex\'s dubstep but on occasions I do dubstep
Well I\'m not a professinal DJ coz I don\'t have a record label but what made me interested in becoming a dj was that I played piano so I was wanting an electic keyboard so I became interested with mixing music so I used Virtual DJ then got a software where I can make my own music from scratch and I would like to ask you are you interested in being a DJ
I\'m dating life because it has its ups and downs but it always comes through