Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Everyone of them...
I actually don't know probs that I care about people to much when they fk me over all the time. Other then that I'm quite happy with myself.
Katie and Michael dating lol weird
I don't really talk to him anymore but his super cool and should hang sometime
I really don't care I am a psychopath haha
What the hell does this even mean dude?
Probs would kill you. Jk, I wouldn't kill anyone that's just a tad harsh.
Mum woke me up with celine deon screaming loud playing all by myself.
Nah it's fine you just don't need to know my personal stuff if you don't know the full story of what happened or if you don't know us personally. And thank you. Inbox me x
Take a guess f*****. If you don't know him you clearly don't need to know. If we did or not.
Aw you made my day! Thank you :) ❤️
Depends what Dylan you're on about
You asked me this last night answer is down below.
A million
How about no cause no xxx
1 and a half
It felt lovely xxxxxxx And happy xxxx
Nope : )
I don't even know who you are so how the heck can I miss you, but I probs do anyway.
No one has asked to date me.
Ew no
If you're with people and you're on your phone constantly.
SUCH A BABE HAHAHHAHA what kind of question is this, I did enjoyed the job, but he was a f u c k i n g d i c k, and I don't recommend working for him. And the little s h i t still owes me 2 weeks worth of pay.
Inbox me then so I know who you are ...
If you were my friend you would know
Gr8 singer! Gr8 guitarist gr8 to talk to and a gr8 m8. Should catch up sometime dude. Oh and you're pretty.
The call 911 and any type of comedy are my favs
Not you, and I'm not gonna answer that
no one u loser
Heck yeah! lol
Being pretty Haha jk.
I have so many people to thank! My mother, farther, Tameeka and Georgia! They know why.
Choccy starfish my one and only best friend, gives the best advice ever. Life would s*ck balls without u choccy. Love my choccy starfish forevs n always. N tbh you're almost as funny as me. Dunno if you're there yet but ur pretty close I don't Even know where this is going, havnt slept for a few days so I'm not on the ball like mylie Cyrus. GEORGIA GIRL Um shut up Malasyan asain slaphead dave!! daves face be like -.-
Keish who I love, she's a hottie and very funny when we hangout, have had some fun memories, used to be best friends but slowly getting closer after our fallout. Good friend Keish is xx
We'll obviously my ex, and another stupid boy just recently. But that's all.
Have I what??
I don't favour my family or cousins.
Yerr I have :)
Nope, never virgin till marriage!!!
Tbh you're really smart and you have lots of swag
Such a hottie, gotten closer lately which is cool, good to hang with and good to vent to. Youre great n gorge xx
Brother: Rory. Sisters: Kylie, Kim, Tameeka and Katie. I have literally have like 1000 cousin.
I've only had one proper boyfriend.
Dylan, that is all.