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Bec Richards


Ask away :) enjoy

356 Replies

Whats your snapchat?

Bec.exohex I'm fair sure

Becexohex replied 3270 days ago

Is Owen Kool with a Capital K?


Becexohex replied 3270 days ago

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

Get rid of all chronic illnesses

Becexohex replied 3271 days ago

Your profile picture is very sudicive *insert dirty thoughts here*

You are a odd creep

Becexohex replied 3271 days ago

And also another, why do you call him by his middle name?

You high

Becexohex replied 3291 days ago

Alright I'm confused now ?


Becexohex replied 3291 days ago

Hey I'm the one asking the questions around here ? How do you know Owen?

I went to school with him

Becexohex replied 3291 days ago do you know Owen? He taught me how to cook scrambled eggs.....awkward..

How do you Owen

Who is this haha

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

Youre cute


Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

Who's this Taylor kid, I wanna know his last name and I want a cook off ?

Hahahaha beauchamp

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

What the hell it was meant to be me ?

I'm really curious who this is bow

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

Who in your list of friends make amazing scrambled eggs? Or claims to? Serious question. ?

Taylor haha

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

Bring home pizza ~your favourite brother

There is already pizza on the table

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

The excruciating pain I'm always in

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago

Soft Tacos or Hard Tacos?

Soft tacos, hard tacos are bad

Becexohex replied 3292 days ago