What was your first cellphone ?
A Nokia in like grade 3 :')
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
Eat food
What could you talk about forever?
What was your dream yesterday?
Don't remember tbh
Best compliment you have ever received ?
Probably that I have really nice eyes ahahaha I don't know.
What gives you peace?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
Boys lol.
Who's in you squad?
Lauren, Amy, Demi, & marlz
How do you deal with failure?
Try again
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
Mm Idk
How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?
I cry everytime I see someone homeless..
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
A body part you think you could do without ?
Best friend
Marleigh obviously.
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
Who do they mean by old friends?
All the people I used to hang out with
Still a bit close to any of you old friends?
Caitlin, Adem, Danielle, and Chantai I'm still close with
Why did you **** all your old friends off for marlegh
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
Why the hell would I do that for
The last thing you bought ?
a kebab
What's your favourite childhood memory?
I don't even know don't really have one..
whats your snapchat and ig :-)
Rebecca108 & rebeccaturczyniak1 :)
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
Who was your first boyfriend :)
Don't even remember
why do you smoke weed .. ?
Why do you smoke weed?
What's your favourite colour?
don't really have one.
thoughts on rhiannnon pigot, natalie lincoln, emma higgins, hayley basile, kiara price, jaaz biggs
Rhiannan- great girl miss her loads.
Natalie- pretty, and a great girl to talk to miss her aswell!
Emma- didn't really know her that well but she was really nice!
Hayley- don't even know who that is
Kiara- havnt seen her since like 2 years ago but perfect girl!
Jaaz- love and miss her so much!
A memory you want to forget ?
do everyone a favor, kí.ll yourself. you
Youre so f,kn fé.ral youre a disgusting piece of sh,ít that deserves to die a slow, agonizing, deat,h. Your teeth make you look like a fúçk,éd up fer4l, your face looks like a ç,únt.
What is your nickname ?
Boo boo, or just Becky
What are you allergic to?
Chinese food, & cats
When was the last time you cried and why ?
last night because maccas put pickles in my cheeseburger
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
waiting for a boy who wants nothing to do with you anymore.
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Definitely Marleigh!
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
To not be as stuck up, and not as *****y and to stop being so judgmental about everyone
Thoughts on kaihlya
love her so much, she's always there for me we get along so well and she's great!
Best friends in general?
Kaihlya, olivia, Adem, Marleigh
What are you addicted to?
nothing, I don't think.
Best friends from school?
well obviously, marleigh, Lauren, ebony, Tyler, Kyle
What's your favorite fashion item ?
Clothes? Hahha
do you smoke weed? lmfao fu cking feralll
Fav people to smoke with
Nathan and Marleigh
Your Dream Job?
I don't know!
Top 5 best friends
Best friends?
Kaihlya, Adem, liv
Craziest thing you ever did for money ?
I don't know
What is your ringtone?
I don't know
The most unreliable person you know ?
Probably markeigg
bestfriend !?
probably Marleigh atm
Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
top freinds..?
MARaleigh CLAUDIA ebony
To the ladies: your type of guy?
Biggest regret?
Ditching my old Bestfriend for someone else
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
I have a shower at night
who are you're best freinds
Olivia, Adem and chants
What do you like about the person you dating?
they don't exist
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Yes & because it's sad
What do you think about the most?
whose all of your previous boyfriends?
I don't remember.
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
What’s a common misconception people have about you?
What have you lied about lately ?
Prettiest year 9s?
Marls, lozza, Rhiannan, Laura and Natalie
10 prettiest year 8s?
probs myah, caits and that's it
We're you dating Elijah tuigamala?
No we where TALKING omg.
who are you're favourite girls
I only have and it liv Francis ward
Thoughts on Adem yilmaz
Mi bestie since 2005 f&a love him lots
Babe if shayden sad he wanted you back you would want him back fk head hahah
And when did he say he wanted me back hahaha and no thanks I have my own man to worry about ✋
Most expensive thing you have?
probs my Nike runners and my addidas jumper and tackiest and my phone
thoughts on Olivia ward
Mi Bestfriend we fight so much but we always become friends again in like and hour
Are you and shayden dating yet? Yous would be soooo fu.cking cute I swear! And if you are then yous are soooo fu.cking cute hahah!
No wtf. I don't want him hahahahahhaha!
Thoughts on lauren
Love her lots & lots
Thoughts on marleigh
I love her lots
Thoughts on ebony
I'm guessing this is ebony chance? Ebony is a gr8 girl she's so small and she's so good to chill with xx
Thoughts on claudia
Clauds bruh, she is gr8 she helps me out with a lot and I love her for it xx
Who are you dating?
No one. #singlelife4daiz
favurite girls
Olivia and Chantai are my only favorite girls soz
thoughts on nick with the centre metre ****?
Like a big brother to me I can trust him and I miss him
What do you do when you angry?
Cry, punch something I do lots of things when I'm angry hahahah!
One thing you like about yourself?
Current mood?
Lol **** as.
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
Yes and shayden.
What time do you sleep?
When I'm tired duh
What turns you off in a person ?
Pimples, ****ed up teeth & acts different round friends.
Love the profile picture marlskunt
I know babe it's great
What freaks you out ?
Michael Jackson...
What is the saddest thing in life?
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
No one.
Can money buy love?
Money can buy lots of things..
fav gals?
Olivia & all the dwg gals & marleigh and kayla ❤️
2 things you dislike about yourself?
I hate everything about me
What did you last dream about?
Don't know
What annoyed you today?
Nothing actually
thoughts on chantai
2nd bestie love her lots