Нεч"̮ bee it is shh don't tell (unicorn jeally bean *)i just wanna say hey and love u lots :*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Hey"̮ :p love uu* too :*
Will u go out with me pretty please <3 I've been secretly in love with u for 3 years now
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
IDK 'ey....
What are you wearing right now?
I'm a friend of Kishen, I've seen his profile, do you agree with all the nasty judgements made?
Nope... I don't really know him but I think he's a cool person :p
What's your most embarrassing moment?
LOL I've got soooo many!!!! I'd probably be writing a novel if I had 2 tell uu* 'bout all of 'em now...
Would you Kiss a white guy, in fact any other guy and what's your age limit?
- Yes :)
- The limit... Not more than 5 years older than me, but the limit will probably change in the future ;)
HAY BEE ! I'm still waiting, why don't you reply on whatsapp ?
Hey... Still waiting for what? Please PING or inbox me...
What's your favorite colour??
Green and Purple :p
Would you date a white guy?
Yeah :)
What type of guys do you like?
Funny guys!!!! (Then I'll never get bored)
#Hey hEy my BeSt fRieNd LoVe u 2 MuCh GiRl ReMeMbEr 2 aLwAys B tHe aWeSoMe PeRsOn u R mY SiStErz!!! LoAdSa lOvE mwa!! GOD BLES........ Oh n bY tHe wAy *̩ KnOw WhAt u dO bEtWeEn 3-4am ;)♥♡**
Love uu* 2 my sister!!!! #3-4am all the way LoL!!!!! :p
Do u miss me :)
LoL IDK.... Who's this??
Hey hey hey
Halar, Halar, Hey!!**
**HaPpPppPy Belated B-Day 2 you!!!!!!** Hope you enjoyed your day!!
**#THaNk uu*!!**
If a hot guy asks you out and you like the guy as well.. Would you say yes or say no.. And why??
I have a feeling dat this is Lese... Tha answer is quite obvious
Hey Benedicte :p .. Its ur crawzy choP in ur clas* whoo lovVes "Justin" Bieber :p .. Love u so much stay amazing Thoz.G_07
Hey Thozzy Thoz!!! Love uu* 2!! Stay crazy
Omw BURNI I missa you too gurrrlll :D... :"(
:\'( :\'( :\'( ... U should\'ve came 2 BHS!!!!!! :\'(
Wat wld u do if I was lez (lol dnt knw wat else to ask)
I wouldn\'t do anything coz I\'m in no position to judge
Do you like Justin Bieber?
Yipp I <3 him, coz he can sing and he is hott!!
Are you high right now?
#Noooo....not @ all...
Do you love this s#!?
Do you ever get nervous?
#Yes!! A lot
Describe urself using only 1 word
Uhmm...there R many words that I think describe me...1 of them are #unique
**Hey Bee_Bee :p **...
##Hayy :)
Do you miss Nkanyezi??
Yeah!!! I miss her craziness so much!!!
Who are you dating and why?
Nobody...coz I dnt need distractions.