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Thou shall not sin.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You got to find a way to survive 'Cause they win when your soul dies.

267 Replies

Your account always look so neat.

Thank you.

Bellethybute replied 2334 days ago

Shatille, duh.

Well, we’ll both go our own way. We’ll each live our own lives. Find ourselves before we can find each other again. I truly believe that when two people are meant to be together, eventually they will be. And it doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. If there is distance and state borders and other people between us. Because I still hold onto this faith that none of those things matter. I still hold onto faith that one day we’re going to get it right.

I mean that’s all I really have. And when you believe in someone that much suddenly everything that seems complicated isn’t. You figure it out. You make it work. But knowing when the time is right isn’t up to you. Maybe right now isn’t our time for forever.

Maybe I’m wrong here. The only thing I can really be sure of is this connection that doesn’t seem to fade no matter how much time passes. A connection that doesn’t fade no matter how many things in our lives change or we watch as people come and go. We’ve been the most consistent thing in each other’s lives. Because the root of it isn’t just a love that’s come and gone in the past but an unexplainable connection. A friendship. A bond. A genuine concern for one another always. Something that has kept us a part of each other’s lives this long. Maybe we’re meant to be because we built each other in a way. If I pulled apart the pieces of myself there would be evidence that you were there. So in a way you’ve never been gone really. As much as life fills me with doubts and fears sometimes the only thing I’m really sure of is you. I’m confident that as long as you’re next to me everything is going to be okay.

Bellethybute replied 2335 days ago

Yo tengo mucho dinero, puedo ser tu sugar daddy - trey

El dinero no es el camino a mi corazón.

Bellethybute replied 2335 days ago

So, will you and dad get back together?

Who's dad?

Bellethybute replied 2335 days ago

How tall are you?


Bellethybute replied 2335 days ago

What are Guyanese?

Guyanese are people who are from the country of Guyana, which is bordered by Brazil.

Bellethybute replied 2345 days ago

Are you mixed with anything?

I'm Black mixed with Hispanic and Guyanese.

Bellethybute replied 2345 days ago

The sweet love I've known, ?

Love me.

Bellethybute replied 2346 days ago 1

Where's one place you visited and actually enjoyed?

I went to New York last month, it was amazing.

Bellethybute replied 2346 days ago

Keke do you love me?

I swear to God..

Bellethybute replied 2346 days ago

I was reading some of your old questions and answers. You were in love with Shatille, what happened?

I was, very much. However, it just didn't work out as I thought it would. I’d been investing all my efforts trying to fix something irremediable. Embedding contrasting pieces of two distant puzzles together, recapitulating every single detail for the sake of identifying that one thing I did wrong, attempting to alter that day that provoked our downfall. Doesn’t that prove love? I proved it with all the times I loved him when he was hardest to love, all the times I sacrificed my own happiness for him. With all the times I cherished the most all the unlovable parts of him, all the times we argued and fought and found our way back to each other, with all the times we swore to God that we’d be together no matter what. And for all the times I swore to myself that I am willing to do whatever it takes for this man, May it be a bullet or a knife in my heart. I fell in love with him without me knowing because my own interests and selfishness shielded my heart from how I really felt. Because of him, I learned to be selfless, to be kinder, to be courageous, to learn how to accept love and to love myself. Every person falls in love differently. You shouldn’t look for that happily every after books give you because, well, they’re books and they’re someone else’s story. Make your own. Fall in love in your own way.
I surely did.

Bellethybute replied 2346 days ago 1

I’m still bummed that you aren’t with Justin anymore. :’((((

Things happens, have to move on. Ya' know..?

Bellethybute replied 2611 days ago

Do you ever get mad over making typos while talking to someone?

Yes, because one typo discounts my entire knowledge of the English language.

Bellethybute replied 2708 days ago 2

Your proper words confuses me.

I wouldn't expect someone of your stature to grasp an easy concept such as the ones here. It's truly, self-explanatory.

Bellethybute replied 2727 days ago 7

I've seen you for awhile and have been thinking about hitting you up to ship, femalewriter female character, but you're extremely intimidating.

I'm like the least intimidating person here. 'But, besides that, it wouldn't hurt to plot. Give me a message sometime.

Bellethybute replied 2728 days ago