Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
i dont hate anyone xx
nice.. except i get this message at least once a week so someone is extremely desperate to find out haha
Um ask one of the Yr 10 boys. they seem to think they understand?
well lets be honest here i would save Lewis.. only because he would be hopeless without me.. Now the catch is we all know will is a ninja deep down and with or without my help he would make it out of the fire due to his extreme skills.. so i choose lewis so that both of use live.. oh and Oliver.. her is probably traveling the world so i wouldn't worry about him ;)
what don't you get?
yes.. how may i assist you?
ide rather not on here. just do it?
aw why is that? wanna inbox me and i can tell you whats going on..?
No? where did you hear that nonsense
are you refuring to kristy as a sandwich? poor form..
spud, baa great girl very nice :)
wouldn't say i did that, sure you know whats going on?
aw cute as
great bloke good at fishing!
Hamilton? Top chick. great person
not sure yet.
YEW!! Up the Swannies ;) xx
i trust them both equally they are both amazing people could never choose!!!
sarah who? i know a few :)
Tall. very nice :)
why is this haha
Inbox me if you want to know it.
Yep Mhhhhhhm
I've already answered this question
Nice. good mates with her brother :)
don't have one anymore
Great Gal!
Love her! so good to have chats with, such a cutie :)
um pretty sure ive answered this before no order. jasmine, caitlin, lani, sarah roisin, molly, laura, emily, angela, laura h :)
there is so many.. can i have a number?
yes.. haha have since i could walk
can be nice can be mean if she doesnt get her own way ahah but all round nice girl :)
Nice, Kind, Funny good friend :)
who knows..
inboxxxx meeeee!!!!!
havent spoken to her in months although she is very nice and pretty.
um probably yes ?
bond* great at sport and a nice guy
Nice :)
Great mates with her Brother,.. Trustworthy, attractive and nice :)
um no order, molly, jasmine, caitlin, roisin, laura, emily, sarah, lani, georgina, reni.. Happy?
um their is only one worthy of this, John.W ;)
Knew the bloke from Prep came back still the same old jack, funny bloke with a good personality
Great to have Chats with, top chick!!
Nice, Attractive, kind.. good to have poke wars with ;)
To Many to just name one!
Way to Many.
who are you? inbox me i don't bite. :)
Lots, Kasey Greta amy savannah carla brooke mon ash chelsea, but tbh i get along with all of them there are to many to name :)
Roisin, Great friend so nice to talk to always says Hi, Caitlin, Also one of my Great friends such a bright and bubbly girl, fun to have chats with, both just awesome people :)
Cool :) haha
I know how to fish im just not a veteran at it like you.
i dont know many good ones ;) .. Apparently bross isn't bad
Black girl got some as* , it ain't a secret
But why? tell me you legend!
Molly,Caitlin,Laura,Roisin,Emily,Ange,Heather.. there are plenty more!
Rob Small or Anthony Bergamin
Why is that? :)
Gr8 Bloke!!!! good fisherman
Um, Dont really have many but down the road isnt Bad :)
Hahaha Funniest Gal, great personality and good at Footy and soccer :)
Best kid , had a fair few great times :D
Um dont really know her tbh, seems nice and pretty :)
Funny, Nice, Kind, and great at sport :)
Dont want to answer this hahahaha the others might get Jealous ;)
moody, but great bloke haha :)
you tell them that they have bad breath..