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Jesse cook


Ask away..............

229 Replies

The best song in 2014 for you ?

Coldplay magic

Belphegor1212789 replied 3476 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

I don't know, i would rather attempt to snatch the gun off the person, what's gonna happen after i'm dead, oh wait yeah...

Belphegor1212789 replied 3482 days ago

You ever had a man crush?

Yeah of course you Drongo! ;) Every guy has whether they admit it or not... mine was on Chris Martin when i was younger! hahahah

Belphegor1212789 replied 3502 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

A punch to the face, I've been waiting for it since year 7? where is it? ahhahahaha :P

Belphegor1212789 replied 3504 days ago

What are you addicted to?


Belphegor1212789 replied 3507 days ago 1

You're actually the nicest person i know, honesty you're the most non-selfish person out there, like honestly you have an understanding on peoples problems, not to mention you're not an ***hole like most guys, always stay true to yourself and thanks btw ;)

Thanks :) you're more than welcome!

Belphegor1212789 replied 3510 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

If i was in any position to ask him a question i'd know that i'd need to ease off on the choof choof :D

Belphegor1212789 replied 3510 days ago

What turns you off ?

A person that i can look at and make the assumption that if anything major was to happen to me they'd just f*ck off in an instant. Also a person that has been conditioned to think that any nice guy out there is just secretly gay :P

Belphegor1212789 replied 3512 days ago 1

How long do you want to live?

Long enough to have my life setup and a girlfriend! then i could die happy and not care about the end :P

Belphegor1212789 replied 3518 days ago

Thoughts on girls that respond with 'K..'?

Little bit submissive, i'm fine if i did something wrong and a girl gave me that bloomin K, but it's not something one should use in everyday conversations, it's reserved for them pissed awwf moments!

Belphegor1212789 replied 3520 days ago

Do you take pride that your c*nt?

Flat that is a stat, go milk my cat, before it gets fat, and takes a crap

Belphegor1212789 replied 3526 days ago

At what age do you want to get married ?

Anywhere from the age of 23 i guess, but only if the relationship is deeply platonic as well :)

Belphegor1212789 replied 3527 days ago

What do you love the most?

A PIANO. YOU LOVE A PIANO THE MOST, TREAT IT WITH RESPECT.. EVEN IF IT'S JUST AN ELECTRIC KEYBOARD... PIANO FOR LYF <3 <3 <3 Probably sounded bent in that last part ^ ahh well haha my life

Belphegor1212789 replied 3530 days ago 1

Where do you want to live when you older?

No idea, buy a small block of land and make a cabin? that'd be sick. or do the complete opposite and go to my home Melbourne, where i was born and partially raised, that place has a spot in my heart, as bent as that sounds haha.

Belphegor1212789 replied 3533 days ago

Best song you've heard this week ?

Haaaaaaaaaaaa gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, literally. and the 10 hour version

Belphegor1212789 replied 3536 days ago