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Ben Smythe


Ask me anything you like anonymously

195 Replies

how are you?

hm, im pretty good i guess thankyou, lots of stuff happening with school and stuff so stressed out a bit, how about you?

BenSmythe2 replied 3683 days ago

Out of bronze yet brah?

NEVER out of bronze

BenSmythe2 replied 3683 days ago

who is your deb partner?

ive answered this one!

BenSmythe2 replied 3687 days ago


whats yay!? :D

BenSmythe2 replied 3687 days ago

where are you doing it?


BenSmythe2 replied 3687 days ago

Fuk her right in the *****

omg, yes.

BenSmythe2 replied 3687 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?

yeah i have

BenSmythe2 replied 3687 days ago

thought you were doing your deb with becc?

nah not anymore :)

BenSmythe2 replied 3691 days ago

Do you agree with gay marriage and what would you do if your mate was gay?

i wouldnt care, i have gay family members, everyone should be aloud to do whatever they want !

BenSmythe2 replied 3691 days ago

going to lachy brooks?

nah im not !

BenSmythe2 replied 3691 days ago

Who you doing Ur deb with?

Shannon Anderson :)

BenSmythe2 replied 3692 days ago

Plans for the weekend?

um, soccer, deb practice, might go out, wbu? :)

BenSmythe2 replied 3692 days ago

Who do you miss that you shouldn't?

no one off the top of my head!

BenSmythe2 replied 3692 days ago

Thoughts on the people you hang out with? Dislike any of them?

probs wouldnt hang with them if i didnt like any of them, but obvs who dis is xx

BenSmythe2 replied 3692 days ago

Ugmosis? or naturally hideous?

all natural xx

BenSmythe2 replied 3692 days ago