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someone :)
she is nice. good friend and kb
do you need more Charles?
people , mates! idk
Badminto? if your talking about table tennis, yeah it was good!
Chursh! Okay
Not sure, who is this?
Good mates, and kicked back
Nah i am over it!
She went to Vietnam! And i think when she comes back she is moving!
Idk you tell me!
Shes in Vietnam!
Come off anon and i will tell you!
If this is vivian stfu! But if not she went to Vietnam!
well benn ten whats chicken!
good mate, great soccer player!
why should i tell you, and why cant you come off anon?
if you want to know so bad come off anon and talk!
tell me what you heard!
why do you need to know!
yeah chicken is the best!
okay, dw about it mate!
whats it to you!!
well no shi*!
nice, good friend (f**ot)
we went to the same primary school, nice and a good friend!
who said i hated them and if i did whats it to you!
no i dont think so, jks!