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28 Replies

Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?


Benje19009 replied 2954 days ago

What would put a smile on your face today ?

For the persone I like to date me n say ily to me

Benje19009 replied 2974 days ago 1

What is your ringtone?

****ed if i know because idk

Benje19009 replied 3543 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?


Benje19009 replied 3584 days ago

What do you do when you angry?

punch walls bash the **** out of people and swear like there is no tomorrow

Benje19009 replied 3592 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

she's more like my girlfriend but I would take a bullet for her because I love and would protect her from anything at all

Benje19009 replied 3621 days ago

What did you last dream about?

me and my babe snuggling and hugging together for the night <3 love her soooo much she's just my everything and my world

Benje19009 replied 3630 days ago

Name a person you lied to today

my own mum

Benje19009 replied 3641 days ago

Who are you dating?

myself ;)

Benje19009 replied 3668 days ago

Thoughts on Chloe Goninon? What would u want 2 do to her if she said u could do anything u wanted 2...?
A. Not take advantage of her by hacing *ex.
B. Confiscate her panties for a day and make her bend over all day

Chloe Goninon is an amazing girl she is just the right persone u would love to have a convo with or just sort anything with her she's amazing A. help her in anyway and be there for her and show that she's the best that ik B. get ****ed no way anonyms u dumbass not doing that

Benje19009 replied 3673 days ago

how school in yr 9?

yr9 is all right could be better I wish I had better teachers and a different class

Benje19009 replied 3681 days ago

how's life?

life is **** as tbh with you

Benje19009 replied 3681 days ago

are u taken?

no anomus im not taken at all full on single lonely life :(

Benje19009 replied 3681 days ago

The biggest mistake you made in your life?

****ing up in this one relationship I wanted to go very far in with this special girl that I had alout off feelings for and I ****ed it up the hole lot and now im not myself without her I really wish I had another chance with her or something with her I don't know how I can explain how sorry im for what I did to her and what I would do for her if she was with me now in my arms there to hug me and kiss me and hold ands and spend heaps of time together.... im sorry for everything I tried to do and what I did to u I don't know any other way to say how sorry I'm for u and what I wanted with u in the long term :( sorry

Benje19009 replied 3685 days ago

Are u single

anomus I'm single ok

Benje19009 replied 3685 days ago