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You'll get it on 26/07
Where in the goddamn universe did a rule ever state that an individual can not have more than 1 homie?
A MAN requires fire to survive, and fire results in ASH. this is fate guys.
Symbol of Simousin
biggest soccer fan everrrrr always thirsty for water (and in the other aspect too) thought we were biffles when yr 7 started but we didn't talk that much >< you nice and funny and too scared to take butter out of microwave liek what even. its kinda hard to tell if you are serious or not because you joke around so often lolz. talk to the girls more because we have more sweg than raffie :P chinese pop > all btw.
When is my death date?
they are so perfect. thats what irritates me. EW WHAT DID I JUST SAY *vomits*
thank you anon.
yeah imma chuck a diannictionary at your face one day.
who is you? ok the younger twin that apprently looks 17 which I don't understand how in any aspect. Appears to be innocent, sweet, mature, quiet and a lot more normal than her older twin but does not suit any of the above adjectives at all. SHE IZ EVIL AND IZ PLANNING ON TAKING OVER THE WORLD WITH HER SEAL ARMY. smart, skinny as, pale, the distance between eyes is longer than her twin's [I dont perv or anything im just saying]. ERMAHGAH. EMINEY - THE MOST LOYAL AND DEDICATED COUPLE OF 7K 2013 EVERRR. you two needa room not even jokin'. we is in the same group for almost every subject ^^ derpy leo. lelelelele YAYAYAYA AHAHAHAHAHAHA EAT SUM UGLY [getitfromhenry]. <3 the last part aint even fake.
I look for rodney evreyday after school because rodney iz qt.
it makes you a dumbass because you hit yourself.
nelly casually punched my chip in half while pointing @ her dream boyfriend
Welcome To Fartingland.
I believe oranges are named orange for its beautiful orange colour but the current generation may argue that orange is named orange because of the amazing gift from God to human beings, which is the orange. However regarding to recent surveys, rates and reports, the debate is now over. Oranges are more likely to be orange because they are orange but on the other hand orange are also highly possible orange because of orange. That also leads to another debate of whether English words should be allowed to be both a noun and an adjective at the same time which applies to many words in Latin, English, French, Chinese, Korean etc. In conclusion I must state my one and only opinion on the oranges, they are a beautiful colour between the fierce red and the shiny yellow, they are a lovely source of health and in my eyes, the symbol of purity. Orange should not have landed in the current world full of cruelty, on the planet Earth full of cries of lost home and miserable people. Oranges are named orange for their wonderful colour that is almost impossible to describe in colour as its overwhelming beauty stuns the world. However some people believe in the vise versa. I remain undecided as I leave the debate for you, who I expect to be a wise debater. This is what happens when Betty gets bored. she begins a debate on oranges by herself. **** ORANGES.
omg, like cutest couple eva i ain't even hacked. xx
i'd love to but unicorn just came to my house
turn on: Jessica sin face turn off: the rest of Jessica Sin.
rodimidia. cr: emily
I would like to thank her on behalf of 7K for being the amazing mother of 25 children. Her children, especially the most independent one who goes by the name of Betty, would have not be so fabulous without her spectacular tutorial on how to survive the current generation which inspired us all. God bless the mother of 7K - Nelly Ou. *sense made*
OMGGG it's *exICA <3 <3 !!! AHAHHA We've only met this year but you're like my sister like omg AHAHHAHA <3 <3 YOU ARE SO PRETTY LIKE GET UGLIERRR ALREADYYYY AHAHHAHA ?! eat some of my uglinessssss? LIKE DO YOU HAVE ANY BANDAGE BECAUSE I SCRAPED MY KNEES FALLING FOR YOOOOO AHAHAHHA love you so much baby girl <3 <3 omgggg we're like twins even tho you already have a twin but like I love you so much AHAHHAHAHA <3 rate : infinity / 10 gurrrrrl get some ugly maybehh?! like idk what to say but you are fab af okkk <3 stay awesomeeee catcha later AHAHAHA <3 i dun even know you for a year and we r lyk bifflez alredi wtf AHAHHAHAHA LOL. your "proper" one. I couldn't do a proper one cuz Idk you. have we met in real life? i dont think so. if you go wello too maybe say hi to me next time. and practice dem FLICKING SKILLS. hope we meet one day? ahahahs. aha. ahahhaha. ahhahahhahhhahha. i kno whu yo lyk. and lyked .
where did the je[n]vin "N" come from... if that means jessica sin and kevin QT COUPLE omg getta room
7k 2013
I already know. Jessica sin.
says the #1 lifeneeder on earth JESSICA SIN
jessica sin get a life.
jessica sin get a life
jessica sin get a life.
seriously you memorised the roll order? nadia - big eyes ashraf - nadia would date. tall as rustem - basketball pro amanda - so sporty... ryan - mr. general-notes phillip - food vac*** mulitha - I tried to murder him but it did not succeed. dimitri - my dongsaeng who is often a f**. ian - smartsmartsmartsmartsmart kelly - is ***** sweeney - henry's younger brother shathir - nadia would date, and looks like sumuk vishesh - HE CAN GO LIVE WITH HIS ROTTEN BANANAS sumuk - looks like shathir danny - dinosaur + penguin + d.o. = danny kevin - daesung's special lunch delivery nhien - fiona's little boyfriend who nadia thought was cute nelly - THY MOTHER OF 7K rodney - nadia wants him. EYESEYESEYES OMG. like the nicest guy jessica - smart mysterious and good at stinging people. emily - quiet and smart and looks innocent but is not innocent. jessica - whoz that? nisagar - kelly's protector fiona - she wants ryan. dilum - "my last name is too long to fit" I NEEDA LIFE.
no because it wass gay
exo + super junior + nu'est
since none of the guys ever go on qoohme RODIARYONAKENNYKELSSICASWEEMILY FTW
Uh as in friends ? then rdsk no particular order (don't talk to guys at school as much)
thought I wasn't gonna survive tutor but God worked a miracle for me :")
First day of High School. Same Class.
unlike me.
thats right negga. God worked a miracle on me. God is amazing. Amen.
It Was A Joke
never dated
she is literally perfect... like is there anything she is bad at? shes got face like an angel and i cannot think of anything she is bad at -.- shes really quiet in class BUT DEEP INSIDE HER MIND SHE LIVES IN A WORLD LIKE BETTY'S but she just doesn't show it. and shes so "innocent" in class. shes mature and REALLY EFFING SMART like ace all her subjects. shes so mysterious (prob just to me since i am famous for spreading kellys crush) #iwanttoknowallhertestresults #iwanttoknowwhoshelikes.
which jessica are you i ceebs checking because like im independent as heck :3 TO ALL THE JESSICAS OUT THERE. PLEASE WRITE YOUR LAST NAME.
ily <3
we'll NEVER date.
SAGITTARIUS?! BEST STAR SIGN! easy to talk to, pretty, nice, should meet sometime irl, doesnt know that well but phillips cousin apparently.
perfect, just flawless, nice and friendly, CUTE WITH JAMES. birthday twin <3
amazing friend, nice, friendly, helpful and really nice. biffles. someone i can trust with everything. i'll prob meet up with you next weekend. you're really CUTEEEEE. i dont understand these fcktards who judge you cuz of your height, BEING TALL IS BALLs*ckING.
a lot of people,
attention? sounds like something your mother wants. we made it up to prank someone then everyone believed it. if u thought it was for attention then you probably need another brain.
why do you care about other peoples relationship business anyways. get a damn life.
idk, am I? jks, fk no. we never dated. its a joke.
Her dp on fb is SOOO pretty. I don't remember seeing her at school? Probs just didn't recognize her. Hope we can talk more ? :)
growl, wolf, history
depends on who.
too many to choose from
don't use it anymore. ask pato or alan for the link.
like, 3 days ago
thank you <3
online, wrote a letter
AHAHAHAHA :D You have danny.
Wedding dress
Because **** you thats why
Jesus And Him
Because f*ck you thats why.