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Being idiotic
I wish people knew how insane i was so I knew who my true friends are
The one person who really knows me, I likes the person I really am and not the one I pretend to be
"People" because i type too fast
20,000 gamer score in 3 years (so depressing
Hahaha, oh this wasnt a joke
Idk im a guy like damn
I would sit down on my bed playing xbox for a week non stop (with toilet and food breaks) talking to only squeaking noobs with no mute capabilities nothing worse than that
Please re-instate the question because i dont know what it means
I dont like you, whoever you are
Only because she's cute
What is wrong with you?
she is cool and i wish i could meet her and hang/talk more
Yes she is hot
Escape the fate - This war is ours