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Beth Healey


Ask me anything you like anonymously

14 Replies

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

All Ed Sheeran songs <3

Beth.Louise replied 3306 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

Smart ones

Beth.Louise replied 3309 days ago 1

What do you hate about yourself ?

Being to scared to do some things...

Beth.Louise replied 3313 days ago

Are you a selfish person ?

I don't think so. Only when it comes to food

Beth.Louise replied 3320 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?

Food and clothes

Beth.Louise replied 3400 days ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY X X X X amyrobboxoxo

Awh thanks Amy xx

Beth.Louise replied 3418 days ago 2

A body part you think you could do without ?

Belly buttons. They are the most disgusting thing ever !!!

Beth.Louise replied 3419 days ago

What's your favourite word or phrase ?

Dear darla. I hate your stinkin guts! You make me vomit! Your the s*** between my toes! Love, Alfalfa

Beth.Louise replied 3423 days ago 1

The last thing you bought ?

Netball shoes and wetsuit

Beth.Louise replied 3427 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Probably humanities and geography because I can't do either of them

Beth.Louise replied 3429 days ago 1

Who are your bestfriends atm?

Taylah, Sophie, Hannah, Courtney and Morgan

Beth.Louise replied 3431 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

None. Memories make up your life, if you take away one of your memories than you are taking away part of your life or a lesson you have learnt

Beth.Louise replied 3432 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?


Beth.Louise replied 3434 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

spending my whole day at the beach

Beth.Louise replied 3446 days ago