I'm Pretty dyslexic but I'll try to read your questions x
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Roco Mamas???
My bed or clubbing
Microwave for a minute
I check if he's well groomed, if he has a sense of humor, a good body, brains (but not necessarily smarter than me),and just a personality that I click with. Oh also confidence is always nice
I love you more ??
Besides my family the Wolfendens ?
???mate I don't understand
In an underground brain washing facility run by ISIS. Ahh good times
Well I'd hope so seeing as I was Tygas inspiration for Rack City ??
Use protection and don't run with scissors
My pizza slice my sister stole
A girl shaving her feet and old people doing the nasty on the side of the road
My dad is. But I'm mixed
Well if you're satisfied that's fresh ???
Takes alot for me to hate someone but finding out that they are liars, racist, fake, attention seeking, or just rude for no reason.
LG life's good?
Or 1g?
Or Ig Instagram?
What doesn't it do??
Not my top priority.
I'm so confused?
Thanks❤?hahaha but I do?
I couldn't understand how people enjoyed it. I was so traumatized.
My virginity?????????
Anytime champ? you can pay to make you laugh I really don't mind ey
So you're saying you enjoying stalking Bianca? ?
Hush you're weird?. Definitely plans?
I was a twin. ➿
Ehh. Thanks but I'll pass
I grew them myself?
Yes. I'd day they're pretty great??
What is $ex
Bigger than your whole life ✌?
What gives you the idea that I have $ex?
I don't crush on people. I simply find various humans Se xually appealing to my eyes.
What is slang and what is proper. b**tylicious is in the dictionary so ....
Maybe if you're a hot girl?
100% yes ☕
I fed a chicken kfc, went skinny dipping in public, and almost got arrested. If that isn't bad A$$ then idk ✌
To fleek my hoes brows and be the best beautician there is. ? #Beatface
Ayo my baby O. My QueenO?
If you're Chanze Jacobs then yes?
2014. I was so inlove?? it felt pretty G
Because I choose wisely. Duh? ?
Happy Birthday ?
I'm honestly not great to date but yes I would
$0. & time to catch a sugar mama cents ?
Humor, confidence, eyes , also definitely big lips ?
Last week my doctor told me my breasts haven't stopped growing yet ?????
I really want go to Asia and talk to a shaman. Sky diving. I need to have a frida kahlo painting in my home one day it's a huge dream. Be apart of an organisation that really helps abused and abandoned kids. The rest are more personal but you can dm me xx
I have so many things I wish I could do and still hope to do but I honestly don't know.?
Hackers watching my through electronic devices.? and having ugly kids..
Heard you like feet m8?❤
Hahaha it would probably be the one where people said I was a transvestite ??
Well I think I've always been attracted to both genders since I can remember, I just just understood everything when I got older x thank you??
My mother ?
I honestly can't count?
Sleeping, eating, reading, sleeping