Oh pray Insectaria the Anthropod Diety, I can't stop the urges any longer! My throbbing mandibles long to be entangled in your pink fleshy organs, to have my pincers generously trimming your skin and hair into my watering mouth.. Oh save me from my desire!
Lordi . .
Just the sight of you makes my abdomen quiver and my barbed stingers ooze venom is anticipation. Be mine, be the conduit for the spawning of my children, have their tiny hardened eggs fill your brain. Hear them skitter and tenderly scratch you from the inside.
My. .
I'm gonna face **** you dry, with my huge shiny black mandibles! Mm I see it now; my burning hot, sweet worm honey dribbling into your brain stem. Be my queen Kyle, be host to my thousands of larva young!
Oh. .
Help...the worm is making it's way up into my urethral valve,quick I can feel the worms acidic skin is burning the inside of my C.ock, yes do you like me gargling your hot slimy S.hit yes daddy let's play cave explorer not to deep or you may split my arsehole.
You should probably get that checked out mam
You have the biggest biceps like oh em gee hottie ex.oh
Oh Mitch you sly fox. XOXO