Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I don't understand why you needed to use my full name... but yes, yes it does. The fate of the universe depends on it. true story.
When you wanna eat kids you gotta eat kids
Did I cut you that deep? :L
Well no shi*, It's going to heal real fast cause I'm f***ing wolverine
Meh, I'll walk it off. Only a flesh wound
Dang are you a boi if so I feel pretty awkward ay if not this is completely normal and I see nothing wrong with answering your questions
Have you even met my spirit animal? it benches four hundred and twenty thousand all day erey day
Does your spirit even lift? it sounds like a Pu**y Bit**. <3
almost gimme a sec, just need a bit more vomit for it to form a reasonable sized puddle
Is off the rails I know, however your question... isn't really a question
Many reasons, 1 I don't own any COD game, 2 I'm not good at FPS anyway and 3 cuz Bit**s aint shi* but tricks and hoes
shi* son I didn't even make a status and got asked a question. Um idk I guess I do it to make other people look nicer in comparison. So really I do it to make people feel better about themselves.
creativity and racism why do you ask?
Trick question, communists don't have friends
why the f*** did she say that her communist friends are going to pay you a visit? :L
I dunno man, I just can't get over it.
You'll get your god damn LSD man just chill, I have to deal with the mob first.
Yeah man I know where you can find that specific thing you mentioned, let me just check in the back.
8th of July, Some people hacked my account and changed it. I would of changed it back however facebook wont let you change it back with in like a week or someshi* for some reason
shi* son, dem ryhmes are off the rails son. you a rapper or sumfing?
Because beautiful people like you keep asking questions, also I'm pretty bored atm.
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
Nah man you gotta talk to my main man Crugz bowt dat one ay. I only deal crack, sorry man :/
Ever since I was a child, kids would pick on me because of my chins. They couldn't handle that I had more than them, calling me things like BigDaddyDoubleChin it was just very offencive. One day I just snapped and raped them, ever since then I have been a mas*ive pedophile rapist. It's the only way to solve life's problems
Idk, tbh your looking pretty uggaz atm...
Judging by the ":D" face it was a top dollar of a night that shall be remembered through out the ages.
twice as good as your night.
Oppa BigDaddyTubbz want dat fried chicken style
It's cuz da chin weigh me down make it hard to do stuff
Lolol I'm pretty sure your argument is invalid as my name is BigDaddyTubbz
Cuz ma main man Josh be putting dem in line keeping them on the streets
I don't see myself as that but if you think that I drink to much all good.
Not insulted just preferred as Crugz or Christy
That's a good question, but it's a bit to complex for me to answer sorry :/
Triple chin for life my bro
Well your picture would be beautiful too if your name was BigDaddyTubbz
Only on tuesdays
It's the chins they bring out my inner beauty