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Billy Blackler



48 Replies

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

heath never answers his ****ing phone the ****

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3560 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

what the **** type of question is this

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3567 days ago

I'd **** the **** out of your sister

hey joel whats that thing you were saying about bailey's teddy bear

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3609 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Same thing I do every day, your sister.

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3631 days ago

U r cûnt

thanks bianca

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3643 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

i walk into this school and it's in session, and they are having a whole school game or something and there are people running around in white morph suits and black morph suits and the people in the black are catching the white and absorbing them. shut the **** up ok it was great

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3643 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

Your mum

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3647 days ago

What did you get for christmas ?

your sister

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3653 days ago

Eal awbsjdudhdbus


BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3665 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

i'd change heaths head

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3670 days ago 3

How do you want to end 2014 ?

on top of your sister

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3674 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

your sister, but less fat

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3679 days ago

r u mi mum Arnie112


BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3679 days ago

What are you addicted to?


BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3681 days ago

What's your favorite fashion item ?

your mum

BillyIsActuallyUrMom replied 3684 days ago