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Billy Metters


We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

233 Replies

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

That that I was accepted in there houses

Billymttrs99 replied 3743 days ago

would you be friends with Shaynia ?

She's done some things recently that have changed my perspective on us being friends again

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

did you even actually love Shaynia or was it all about getting what you could?

Yeah I really did love her but just I can't love her the same anymore

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

Why did you and your gf break up?

Let's not go into that Ay

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

Why so dog to shaynia?

Woof woof

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

**** u fatty boy guitar playing **** ball

You're such a wordsmith aren't you

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

Do you see you and Shaynia ever getting back together ?

No I don't

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

You're a cool cat

Why thankyou young sir

Billymttrs99 replied 3744 days ago

Can that be my nick name now JORJAAA

Yes, yes it can or sometimes it's TP

Billymttrs99 replied 3790 days ago

Dumb as* JORJAAA

Tight puss

Billymttrs99 replied 3791 days ago

Biggest regret?

Dogging my best friends for one person I'm not even friends with anymore.

Billymttrs99 replied 3798 days ago

Tbh please. :* Make it long shayniafoley

Alright so it's been 12 days I thought I could see how long the suspense could go for. Well Shaynia Jayde Foley, you are my everything, from my best friend to the shoulder to lean on. I knew the moment I set eyes on you at that coles at 8:45 on a Thursday morning I loved you. I knew ever since that moment what you meant to me and since that day I haven't looked back. No matter what you manage to put a smile on my face even if it is digging your knees into me all night while you're asleep but you're just my reason to breath, my reason to smile and my reason to do anything. I love every detail about you every tiny detail even if it is how you know nothing about basketball and when I use big words I have to tell you the meaning I love it all and I can't get enough of you. You're mine forever and we will last and I am worth it. I love you Shaynia Jayde Foley.

Billymttrs99 replied 3800 days ago 1

you said you were happy with someone, who is it?

I think that's my buisness and not yours :)

Billymttrs99 replied 3869 days ago

I did it so..
thoughts :)? tianadawson

Tiana banana, some how in the past week we've become so close and I'd give anything up to have you in my life like this a long time ago much before the loosers I spent my time with previously, we know so much about each other I love coming to your house and spending time with you our adventures are great and right now you mean so much to me I love you long time and you'll always be mu favorite nigga. <3

Billymttrs99 replied 3870 days ago 1

It has to do with me because you tried to insult me with your pathetic insults.

Alright well if you have such a problem inbox me personally not on anonymous like a gutless dog because yet again you just look even more pathetic.

Billymttrs99 replied 3879 days ago