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You should ask :D

44 Replies

Your dream Job?

Professional soccer player

Binnyaa replied 3516 days ago

At what age do you want to get married ?


Binnyaa replied 3522 days ago

Uh who the fk do u think u r

Binya, you?

Binnyaa replied 3549 days ago 1

Thoughts on swag kristy


Binnyaa replied 3550 days ago

favorite best soccer player for girls and boy in year 7 and 8?
just ur favourites not all :)

yr 7 girl- caralina yr 7 boy- nora, leon n yr 8 girl- ashnoor yr 8 boy- shridhar, raksa, dy, virack

Binnyaa replied 3559 days ago 2

favorite best soccer player for girls and boy in year 7 and 8?

there's too many

Binnyaa replied 3561 days ago

who is the best soccer player in your school 1 from each year lvl one boy and a girl from the same year lvl :D good luck

Good question haha idk you tell me

Binnyaa replied 3562 days ago

Thoughts yeah? PisforPeter

Hey peter!! Met you at camp last year man ahaha good times:') anyways you're nice as and also easy to get along with I also rmbr when we played soccer last year ahah you were good as. You're also really tall man haha havnt seen you in ages hope you're having fun at Wellington bro tc byee

Binnyaa replied 3565 days ago 1

u r an f**it binya, but ily no homo


Binnyaa replied 3568 days ago

imitate me!!!!! hieunguyenn

Bibi, fk u, kys, lair, yeah, yer, yes, omg, I miss camp, brb, yay, bc yolo, tyty, dumbass, wtf

Binnyaa replied 3569 days ago 1

Wrong person Travelz


Binnyaa replied 3572 days ago

Thoughts on Emzi ?? :D EmziSwag

Heyyy emzi!! You're really pwetty, funny sometimes and cool to talk with. I met you bc of tom ahahha and yeaa don't know you that well should inbox me sometimess:))

Binnyaa replied 3577 days ago 1

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

Why did you give me so much swag

Binnyaa replied 3578 days ago

thoughts on me hieunguyenn

Hellooo Hieu!! We used to be close as but we drifted a lot bc of high school:(( anyways you're really pretty and and not even nice wtf always mean to me, I also remember when I first met you at camp ahah:') and yea miss you n all hope youre having fun at Wellington :DD

Binnyaa replied 3579 days ago 1

wtf do my thoughts ***** as*!??!!?!?

wtf who are you

Binnyaa replied 3579 days ago 1