Rabia rt my pinned tweet pls
Ok who dis
What series u watching
Nothing. I really wana watch GoT ?♂️
Why u no love me
Love is a strong word yaar
What did your last relationship teach you?
Food triumphs everything
I love you
Im sorrh but i don't love you
Name 3 people you hate
Name your crush, boyfriend, fiance
Don't have
Forgive me for all the pain I caused you
Your writings. They all seem so sad
Eh. Indeed
Your Twitter makes me cry. Why so sad
How is it sad ?♀️
Name 4 people you trust
If i really had to.
My mom. Sister. Sam my bro. And my apas
My last guess is that you are a kanam?
What was the best year of school for you
Lol. I hated school man
Do you stay at madressah
Where you going for holidays
When's your holidays starting
The force is with the wardens you bangbrookie
Who dis. Just text me why u irritating me on my qooh me with your boring questions
If the force is with you then why u laying on your bed right now and not going somewhere
The wardens wont let me out. They've clipped my wings you see
Star wars is kak dom
Listen here. You are kak dom
How's grumpy cat of urs
You make dua for me too
Star wars is dom
The force is not with you.
What you having for supper
Had pita. Was yummy yo
Which one is your favourite butcher
I like Khans coz of Ally Bhais chillies.
When are you going to compete hifz
Allahu A'lam. sigh. Pray for me
Are you friends with your ex
Why you so tall?? definitely not guji. You probably are malay??
You think *im* tall? You must be short then ?
Yeah probably. Manne ne kabar
Lol what time do you sleep
Im in bed by 9.30. Usually fall asleep ny midnighy
What you made Dua for
Heart beat of a unfit person. I feel you bruh ? the struggle is real
Y'all planning to??
So then are you engaged to him or What?
??? no omg
Does looooooool mean yes or no
(Sorrh i deleted this question by mistake)
I dont date. And if i did Mr./Mrs.Anonymous i dont see how it should pique your curiosity
Dude are you and Tariq dating ?
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Do you also have a toe fetish?
I smaak your toes
Thank you having a toe fetish this means a lot to me
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
Im not talkative
Let's go for a schwarma at that Mexican place
How do you know Bout that mexican place who dis
Going to clear waters mall?
What's your plans for today?
Staying in bed reading cuddling with pnut
Thoughts of you keep me up at night
Thats really creepy. Read ayatul kursi
Come I take your dhor
Lolololol ok
Do you have something against guji boys
Yes i always seem to find them really attractive. Shoot me
Its always the guji boys innit Biscuit09
I just retweeted your tweet.
Thank you my day was incomplete without a retweet. Whatever would i have done without this retweet ?
Thank you so much for your compliments ☺️? much appreciated. (I’m going to try to dm right about now)
I must warn you - my chats skills are pathetic
Have you ever been in a situation on a trip where they'd stopped on the roadside for the guys, but refused to stop at a proper bathroom for the girls?
Similar situation tho - travelling to eastern countries sometimes youd rather keep in than use them bathrooms ?
?? I’ll wait until it’s fixed ??♂️??
What a gentleman. Sucy chivalry. I take my hat off for you
Aaaaaah :( ... okay fine I’ll dm you and then we can watch the sunset/sunrise together?
Suddenly my DMs are not working anymore ??
Nope I don’t know you. We’re just Twitter Friends ??♂️ Or rather we just follow eachother on twitter ??♂️
:( that s*cks.
Ive been wanting to watch the sunrise/sunset at the hill for the past 4 years
Are you a haafidha?
I hope to be one day :)
But you don’t know who i am?
Do you know who i am
Can i take you to northcliff hill please?
Okay what is going to come first? Your engagement or your birthday?
Birthday(s)^∞ ?
Who gave you balloons?
No one ☹ i want pastal coloured balloons for my birthday and for my engagement ok
Why did you leave it then :(
Coz nothing lasts and everything has an end. I try to avoid the inevitable. If that makes sense to you
Delete Twitter 7 times.. Get it back 8 times. ~R.O
?????? i swear THIS MADE MY DAY!!!
I honestly Cant help it ?
I tried and then i figured i dont have friends, i dont talk to anyone and i dont go out so might as well just keep twitter as a substitute for human interaction.
As much as i try to convince myself that being alone is fantastic - its not in our human nature. So meh.
Attachment to someone in that group? :(
? what. No man
Has anyone ever told you that you pee super loud?
Thank goodness
Why did you leave it then :(
Probably has to do with my serious attachment issues and the fact that i often switch off. Snorts.
Wat happened to the balloons?
I think its still there. Idk. I left a while ago
Is u still on Twitter?
Okay so i had to re-answer this lolololol
Apparently my ghost tendancies and sudden urges to go MIA is a part of my personality. Behavioral patterns. (im skeptical about it but it makes sense)
Did you get asked "when you getting married" at lunch?
Shukr no.
Just the "what r u doing with ur life" which is equally as horrifying
Why do you think people like/hate you?
Coz im me
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Get a penpal.
And buy more books
I don't think I'll ever be able to forget you.
Memories are A$$holes arent they lololol. Dont worry. You will one day. Whoever u are ? its life
I miss you a lot
Miss u too
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
(Do people still "fall in love" with things and all of that. Wow.)
Nature, i suppose
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
You only have yourself
What are you currently worried about?
Ma life
You're foncused
Not really. Hopeless maybe
You stopped going madz?
No i go how. Duh
wear a parda if you don't like to be looked at
Or i could just stay at home like i do now lololol
What makes you uncomfortable?
To be looked at
Biscuit lets go our for pizza
What will you never ever do again?
Confide in a human. Pointless
What do you wish had never happened to you?
Sweet 16 lol
How much money do you need right now and why ?
About 1k to go to restaurants and blow it all on food
Rafi'ah bint me?
? InSha Allah
What's your daughter's name going to be
Rafe'ah iA
With that big nose addiction I'm sure you can.
Lol ? i really dont know
Do you understand me?
Yes anonymous person. Bc i can smell who you are
What's something you tried really hard to hate but you just couldn't?
Hate is toxic.
Besides, once you understand something or someone its not easy to hate
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Social events
Your are so beautiful✌✌✌
Can we chat??
Im pretty sure you've never seen me ?
Loool unreaI - like that one
Okay tweet me yo
Eid Mubarak
Thanks you too
How can you be a better person?
By controlling my emotions