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I'm honest as

1.3k Replies

Still hate your dumb cuht ex Barlow?

I don't hate anyone

Bish.112 replied 2762 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Cheating on this girlfriend I had a few years ago. fcked me up fcked her up even more

Bish.112 replied 2828 days ago

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

Turning 21 ??

Bish.112 replied 2828 days ago

What are you most afraid of losing?


Bish.112 replied 2905 days ago

Are you and Molly dating?
You can do so much better, it won't last long I promise you that! But be happy while it does last

No we are just friends haha

Bish.112 replied 2905 days ago

What are you tired of seeing on social networks?

Pokemon ?

Bish.112 replied 2912 days ago

I have a question that you probably won't answer! But I'm going to ask it anyway ?

What's that?

Bish.112 replied 2920 days ago

Who you fck on the weekend?

I'm taken soz

Bish.112 replied 2925 days ago

At what point did you realise you are attractive?

Right now

Bish.112 replied 2968 days ago

Right now, where do you want to be most?
The first thing that pops into your head when you read this

With you

Bish.112 replied 2968 days ago

Sooooooo who you fckin these days ?

No one

Bish.112 replied 2973 days ago

What's a lesson you learned the hard way?

Don't cheat and don't lie.

Bish.112 replied 2975 days ago

What would make your day?

If I saw Bae right now

Bish.112 replied 3024 days ago 1

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Bish.112 replied 3036 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

It was great. We had so many ups and downs! But I think that's all part of being in a relationship

Bish.112 replied 3047 days ago