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Ask me anything you like anonymously.

40 Replies

How much do you have in your bank account ?

Not enough

Bleachboy replied 2930 days ago 3

K ya seventh game in a row I'm losing hey


Bleachboy replied 2930 days ago 2

How long is your dck??

I measured 22cm. But then I saw i was measuring from 30cm. Thanks mom and dad ?

Bleachboy replied 2930 days ago 1 4

Why do you always leave a few people out when you do things in your group of friends?

Just with my lads alone. We're 13. Plus their girlfriends and the female friends we spend our breaks with. That's over 20 people. Unfortunately its a mission to organize things with my entire group. I do apologize if I neglect some people. As I wish everyone can join. If you want to make plans. DM me.


Bleachboy replied 2930 days ago 3

What are you looking forward to in 2017?

Turning 18

Bleachboy replied 2961 days ago 4

When will you see Melissa again?

Holidays. I've made plans with her and her friends that we have a get together. I'm also inviting the Lads so we can all have a great time together

Bleachboy replied 2972 days ago 5

Hey your pretty cute to be honest. What's your Snapchat????x


But I don't use it anymore

Bleachboy replied 2972 days ago 3

Do you have someone in mind to ask for the matric dance next year?

Yes I do

Bleachboy replied 2989 days ago 5

What will your child's name be ?


Bleachboy replied 2989 days ago 3

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

A friend googling 2 girls one cup :-(

Bleachboy replied 2997 days ago 3

you're such a ledgend ?


Bleachboy replied 2997 days ago 2


You're welcome

Bleachboy replied 3000 days ago 1

What have you never truly gotten over?

Power Rangers

Bleachboy replied 3009 days ago 4

How many toes do you have?

10. 5 on each foot.

Bleachboy replied 3018 days ago 2

What's your favourite game of all time?

Counter Strike

Bleachboy replied 3018 days ago 2