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What baby ???
Primary ?
She was straight with me
Kept it real
Did Not Lie(hopefully)
Once you get to know her, U ll see that her soul is pure and that she just made a few wrong decisions
She is silly like me
She motivates and elevates me to be a better person by the day
She's short n cute
Uhm don't be ?
Before you say such have the guts to show your name and face fck nut
My buddie buddy
I didn't, I had landed the girl that's right for me
I have my reasons
Nigel do I look like the type to doss
Wierd Question but I would chose to make love
It's more intimate and has a meaning
Hopefully a long time
Besides FIFA 18, no one
I'm loyal to Tariro?
Besides FIFA 18 no one
I'm loyal to T?
No thank u? is enough for me
I'm sure my gf is enough
Fake Friends
Around the age u are allowed to get a license
Dm me and i might tell you
Its complicated at the moment???