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Haha good :P
The the slow demolition of our planet
Hehehe :P
Idk :P You are awesome and fun :D You talk a lot haha But that is usually a good thing because for me listening can be easier than talking when I don't know anything about the subject :P
No? Why would we be going out? Who's asking?
I'm all right :P
Any of the pretty ones
Who's my favourite? :P Hahah sorry but Elisha haha
No But it can buy stuff And stuff can get love
I had one of my favourite come over and we watched movies then Tomoz some friend and I going to movies and lunch And next weekend movies again :P Also I answered these two questions backwards Don't judge
2 blocks of dark chocolate and a gift voucher to books on smith :D Yay haha And my iphone half from mum coz I pay a bit for that :P
I can sometimes be inconsiderate... I never hear certain things... Like I'll accidentally focus if somthing else and suddenly I have no idea what the last 5 minutes of that person talking was
Fun :) hung out a few times and had lots of fun :) Haha we've talked a lot and stuff but yer she's really nice and pretty and lots of fun :P
Nothing nice
Hahahahaha of course I know :D
Haha naww thanks I feel so rejected right now Haha jks dw :P
No ? What gave u that idea :)
I'm alright :)
Awesome :D really fun girl cool to talk to One of my besties :P
Tenekas awesome :) been besties for as long as I can remember:) she's fun and short and yer :)
Your really fun and easy to talk to :D keen for the movies :D
Haha yay thanks
I don't know what I'm supposed to say here
Because I am an evil human being
Of course I'm gonna use :/ faces I just ripped my girlfies heart into three I'm not just going to recover I'm happy but as soon as somthing reminds me
Sorry :P
D: nahhh I'm awesome at bowling :( you s*ck at bowling ;(
Right now :) yer I'm fairly happy :/ I'm always happy Whenever if sad it wears off very quickly
Right now I'm thinking about the cinema Wouldn't it be awesome to play black ops 2 zombies in there XD
I'm pretty good actually :/ haha had fun with the guys
Doloris umbrage
I don't know :) Life's pretty good ATM that was a good thing that happened
Ice skating
Something? Ummm a thing that I love is mah teddy, that one teddy everyone had growing up that was like your best friend
All math
Umm Idk they're all kinda pretty
Turning into whatever I wanted Coz then I can fly and be super fast and all that stuff just by turning into a bird or a cheeta :)
I'm good at making really bad first impressions so people don't like me :) But then a lot of people say I get worse when they get to know me soo... Haha
She real special speshial spthal spencer speshl spacial spankyall spentall spinkal fabulous
Haha pineapple chick for life
JD pineapple
Naww :3 I love you too :*
I would like to thank mum for making me this awesome and dad for making me this *exy :)
A sheep with wings like a flying pig but woolie and cute Also a codename for someone but u know that :P
Hehe yeh they so coot
Yer I want a baby geraff too, also apparently neither of us can spell giraff
Nahh, we will be that sweet couple that is together forever :D
When really hot people are like" I'm so ugly" and I'm like "nah your really pretty "then they go "no I'm not" and I'm like" JUST ACCEPT THE ****IN COMPLEMENT!" Then they go " seriously tho I'm never gonna get a bf....
Xbox 360 over ps3 but ps4 over Xbox one
Le iphone 7
Haha oh yer... Ryan I've been kicked out :) Umm Idk someone got can move in Or Matt Burdett so we can be 2 and a half men :D
Ummmm Aaron and Ryan Sorry tom but u have drums
Yer apparently it's heaps of fun
I have defiantly considered it but I can't because I have good friends and a good school and apparently all the schools down there aren't very good:/
I hope not but if we ever did break up that would probably be why :/
That one time when that thing happend and I did that thing... Yer that s*cked
Myself coz the firemans got this
JD, myself and a fireman to save everyone else
It's hard, like really hard, I miss her and all I wanna do is give her hug but I can't, and because I've been so busy lately we haven't really been talking much... I feel kinda bad
Best friend? Who said I could only have 1 My best friend is whoever I'm hanging out with at the time, but I'll never lose a friend
Yes A lot
Apparently yes
Yer it was fun... But I missed out on a lot of classes... I have had 2 PE classes this semester and they were both theory
Peppa pig obviously ;)
I don't think so... I really hope not
Tom hilder is cool :) he's good to hang out with and diss, he's a really good friend he just gets annoying sometimes... But we all deal with it :) also he knows how to actually get **** done.. Like starting a band while we all just talk about it :)
Your really cool and fun I miss talking to you and hanging out like we used to but your a really awesome girl
If you have a crush on me you unlucky in two ways: 1. You have a crush on me -_- 2. So far JD has been perfect and I don't think were gonna break up anytime soon :)
*exy beautiful fun awesome amazing *exy mine :)
Lean meat -_-
JD pineapple of course ;)
With the right person but not untill were old and have nothing better to do :) like 28 -30 idk
Skill, although you may want an eye test...
I didn't think you had a choice unless you were single ;)
That *exy person you call yourself
A deck of cards