What are you trying to ask?
When do yu lv zim, I think it is time for yu to lv already
But why? What have I done to you??
Whose your closest friend
What do u regret the most in life
Trusting the wrong people ?
We shd mke a plan soon
DM me X
Whose dating your ex now?
Idk ask her yourself fam
U keen for anyone at the moment ?
Idk I'm lost In thoughts fam
What do you never trust?
Best before dates
R u and hamdan still friends?
Why wouldn't we be??
How's uni treating you?
Amazing ?
Is it easy fasting in ???
Well not eating or drinking for 19-20 hours, I'm sure you can answer that for yourself G
What're you looking forward to in life?
Uni :)
Are u gng to the johns fair
When are you leaving for good?
Don't know
What are you going to miss the most when you leave?
My boys
I c the squad is back, waseem or mo?
Both ❤️
Whose your most closest friend or the one you trust the most?
Can't choose
why are you amazing ?
Cause I'm Bobby lol
Out of all the countries you have been 2, which is ur favourite?
mk or mormin??
Momin*. I can't choose between two brothers?
What are u going to study at uni?
Computer science
What makes you happy to be alive?
The person I love.
Hi bobz? do you like pudding ?
Why do you think momin is your friend? He is fake to you!
He's not my friend, he's my brother. Believe what you want.
What do you think of Conde? Is he not the freshest own in zim ?
Do you want his number?