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Make my day.

181 Replies

I see that you're following me. DeanAmbrose

Same. I see you following me; all the time.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2974 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?

Chicks With dcks.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2974 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

By beers.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2976 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

I don't remember.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

I bet you love your daughter for doing this

Doing what? Having a child? F u c k i n g Maryse!? (Okay, if you're f u c k i n' Maryse, send the tape).

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Rumor has it that you're one of the rare pregnant men.

Rumor has it, that you're a guy with a small chode.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Does your daughter act like you?


BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Is it a boy, girl, or transgender?


BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

The same Marie that you wanted to date. The one you 'fathered' her kids with. That Marie.

Who? What is her first name? I really don't know. 'Cos there so many people with that name, that I don't even know.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

I'm getting bored of spamming. Byeee daddd.

Bye?. . .

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago


Who's "Fergal"?

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

I heard she wanted to fck you.


BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Miss Marie?

Who's that? There is so many people called Ms. Marie.

BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Do you know you have an amazing Daughter?


BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago

Would you fck her?


BoozyWithFuror replied 2980 days ago