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Mm nah ill pass but how about you say this to my face instead of hiding all the time and grow up seriously!!
yeah why wouldn't you everyone deserve to live
I think you are one of the most amazing people u have ever met at the start of the year we where sooo close and then **** happened cause u know **** happens but yeah you are a really nice kind and loving person i just thought it was annoying how u only came to me because gabbie wasn't at school oh well that's the past now i love you
Gabbie boulton and james McConnell
Probably my fab girl of my favrioute show dancemoms chloe Lukasiak
Thats nice JUST TELL ME WHO U F***ING ARE!!!!
This question and when people bully you!!!
I'm allowed to like people's posts thats usually what u do and no it's not just again it's all the people who i have just he has got the most posts and they r usually funny or i like them so who ever u are just **** of i don't have a crush on him u probably do
Well thankyou i take that as a complimented but look who's talking, and for the record i have friends more than u by the sound at least i don't spending my whole life on qooh me tell people s**t ❤ love ya!!!
Tbh I really don't know!!!!!!!