The best movie so far in 2014?
The wolf of Wall Street for sure
She's gunna **** you over so bad.
You reckon?
I'll have to find out myself
Does the girl you like like you back?
It's all ****e.d so don't worry about it
How was your first kiss like ?
Embarrassing!! Behind some curtains at a hall
Who's this girl you like?(;
Guess three times and I'll tell you ;)
What bores you about people ?
Short replies, people that are scared to have a conversation, shy people
Well I guess you go alright ;)
I know who you like ;)
Who do I like big Boi!
Don't **** where you eat. Just keep that in mind.
Why not? That seems unfair
Wait for what? Her to like you back?
Don't know you tell me
Do you like anyone?
Yeah I do, but that person knows, and I'm willing to wait
Your source of happiness?
There is only on person for that
I'd sleep with ya ;)
Aww that's cute ;)
I think I might have to put my sales down ;)
Well, this is going to be a difficult friendship then. emilybluck
Aww **** :(
Well I do charge a high price
Haha to the person who is going to king hit jordy. Ill knock you the **** out if you try it Zachary29
Love you brother, but ill be the one knocking this c.unt out
Out of 10 how much do you love me
I thinking a 9 on this one yeah that sounds about right
well next time i see you, im gonna king hit you
The fact that you say your gonna king hit me, makes you sound like a grok already...
Hey Bowndsy
Watch out mate
You're a ****ing dead man
You don't see me hiding, if you are gonna start something don't ***** it ;)