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i don't know, nobody does, but that's why its exciting and yet sad at the same time
my friends
haven't thought about that...
Facebook because I don't use twitter??
I don't know the best feeling in the world but the best feeling i had ever got was when i helped someone when they were in hard times, it made me feel needed!
Beccy Bresnan, Reece Allen, Bek Elliott, Rowan Millers and Sarah Jackson. :)) It's not in any order
Trying to get what i want.. cause it always ****s up somehow
ask a girl out, make my own job, make my own house and start gambling cause you know i can never fail
Everything :3
Pfft i don't need 3 things, i don't need a girl that's beautiful or has a "good personality", all i need is a girl that's there for me and that i can be there for her :))))
Yes, i'm a virgin
slowly walk away from them
I think so...
well I won't because for starters i'm not good enough and there's no point in trying when you know it won't happen. secondly I don't like ANYONE and thirdly, she told me who she likes and somehow its a cartoon character haha
see someone loves me people its that anonymous person... :O
pfft i'm not good enough to go out with anyone and we're just friends nothing more
whatever you want to believe haha ;)
I already answered this a thousand times... I don't like anyone, okay?
thanks! :)
I DON'T WANNA BE COOL... I wanna be weird :P
COOL! :D haha
really? :O
Simples just RUN!!
i try to but after i fall asleep i wake up in just a few hours then i'm tired and i feel like shi* and can't get back to sleep :(
nah i'm a loner
good for me :P
nope won't happen either
nope not gonna happen
android because iphone is shi*
I'm actually a broccoli.... Wait! Now I know why no one likes me...
Reece, Sarah and Bek :D
I would like to think I would :P
no, it would s*ck to grow up and know that you're a fake :/
i'm not gay or bi i'm straight -_-
why would anyone say no? o.O $30,000,000 :3
a life
why is this the only thing people have actually been asking me? :/
she's nice, funny, always positive about things and fun to talk to.
according to me?!....................................... no idea :/
My worst mistake is making too many mistakes
If you people haven't realized already I'm not going to tell you
hi, I already answered this and said all my friends are the best one
that's nice people usually do
all the friends are the best one
you definitely a stalker and no! Don't judge me I know what stalker means!!!
she's an awesome, nice person but at times a bit weird :P
you have bad spelling
no someone else but i'm finding it funny how everyone thinks that hahaha
WOW you must have a serious problem there if i got you ***** when i'm just sitting here steering at my laptop... i'm worried about what you find ***** 0.0
depends what kind of fun?
i don't want to be left alone i like talking to people. But i don't think anyone really wants to hang around me anyway so if they don't want to hang around with me then i'll be alone.
no, I hated donkeys ever since that donkey from pooh bear ruined the whole show haha :P
I like this one girl but she'd never like me
just tell me who you are o.O
doesn't everyone? :P
can you make more sense mate?