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Use it to prank people on camera
Im going to get logical here, everyone knows that genies twist your wishes in a weird way if you arent specific enough, for example "i wish i could fly" so the genie would turn you into a bird. So on that note i guess that i would wish for
1. The power of teleportation to anywhere i desire and back with no strings attached and no time limits.
2. The ability to take up to 3 people with me whenever i want to teleport with someone, without any harm coming to them or any complications.
3. For the genie to be free, on the condition of my previous two wished not being revoked or messed with.
Yoh that was a mouthful, sorry for over complicating the answer
i miss you too❤
because she is real with me
Nope, I've got the best girlfriend right now
I love you too ❤
get someone i love and explore
Not trusting someone close to me