What are you sick and tired of?
This melbourne weather keep it one season not 4
What makes your life worth living?
Friends and family
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
Go on a long A$$ holiday
How did you meet your best friend ?
To be honest i cant even remember how i met aaron to long ago
This person is a fck head ? ⤵️
She cheated on you with at least 7 guys
Thats the girl she is brad
Uhhh no ?? might wanna dbl check ur stats
I heard she still talks to you all the time. But she hides it from her new boyfriend coz shes cheating on him
We only talk once a week? As for her cheating thats not who she is or who i knew her for?
Do you miss Tahlia?
How often do you speak to her
I dont really speak to her at all.
I dont really miss her but i do. Just miss our conversations really
What was the best decision of your life?
To travel overseas
I keep seeing you tag Aaron Marshall in stuff.... what's your connection with him and what does he mean to you?
He is my best mate of 20 years
How many times did Tahlia cheat on you? Heard it was heaps
Doesnt really matter to be honest
What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?
Always live one day at a time
What's it like to be you?
A volcano