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Go cliff jumping with mates ??
I have a few best mates...Tom, tylar, rheegan and regan
Depends on who the person is.. either one of my best mates are or someone in my family, I would probably go to my wits end
Honestly don't rlly know
Who's we all? And if you wanna know so bad then ask me yourself
Who's this?
Money ?
No one
A piece of fluff
Idk I don't really have a girl that's a friend that I'm that closed to
Don't really have one
Idk don't have one
Food tech ?
I think a brain
My dog
Hmm what should I start off with? You have a good personality but I don't like how you pushed your sister off the bridge ?. That's ok tho coz that's in the past. Your a lot smarter than me BTW. You always make me laugh, mostly at myself? Bit shy but ya know who isn't.
Brother from another mother ??
When they talk to you politely. And if they are happy and have a bubbly personality
No idea
Straya... America would be good
Blue or white Nissan GT-R or a black and blue Ford Mustang gt
Can't rly think of one ?
When people are really rude and don't say please or Thankyou
The people I've lost
Oh god the list would go on forever.
I lost a lot of my friends when I moved to Galen and there people that I will probably never get back
I miss everyone and if I named all of them the list would go on and on. Lijy, Rheegan, tayla, jake, Thomas, ruby, Sarah, maddy, piper, basically the people in my class last year are the ones I miss the most
Not great tbh ?
Well I guess it was alright but schools not that great tbh
Haha thanks ?
Not much to look forward to so far...
I would do anything to go back to last year ? and make it last as long as I could ?
That I look like my sister
Idk ?
Buy 500 cheeseburgers from maccas 600 water bottles 400 fries and 200 nuggets and 300 apples and go around Melbourne giving to the poor
Kindergarten ?
Idk I like luke
Be the best version of yourself you can be ?
Don't really have one but I guess
Elijah rheegan tayla mains ?
Dancing to music that's not even playing
Idk there's not just one person I have heaps of favs at whs e.g
Rheegan Elijah tayla
Secret ? And who's this?
What do you mean?
Idk why don't you ask her
Secret ?
Actual legend miss hanging out with you. Great personality wish I went to the high haha
My family