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Brandon Armstrong



129 Replies

What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?

Um my phone... I know it's shameful but I needed a new one to last me more then 2 years

BrandonArm replied 3245 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

War over religion :P
Oh and the amount of food I get

BrandonArm replied 3290 days ago 3

Which song describes your mood today ?

What does the fox say

BrandonArm replied 3311 days ago

How do you plan on ending this year ?

Dunno hehe

BrandonArm replied 3348 days ago

Favourite books?

A clockwerk orange Inferno Da Vinci code Hunger games Harry potter Once Then Now

BrandonArm replied 3348 days ago 1

What is your purpose ?

Its that flame that lights a fire up your A$$

BrandonArm replied 3354 days ago 1

Thoughts on Courtney Parcell?

Shes's a bully she keeps picking on me for being 12 Nah ahaha she awesome, funny, nice and easy to get along with :) drama squaaaad

BrandonArm replied 3362 days ago 1

Whats your addiction?

Not meth if that's what your asking?

BrandonArm replied 3368 days ago 1

But which 'one' is better? We won't to know.


BrandonArm replied 3374 days ago

Who's better Emma fav, Ange Fav or Abbey Williams?

they're all awesome haha :P

BrandonArm replied 3375 days ago

Do you have feelings for any1 atm

Eh not too sure really :P

BrandonArm replied 3377 days ago

Gonna keep it that way bro? It's good as

Eh maybe

BrandonArm replied 3379 days ago

Who are you in a relationship with?

no one... lel :P havent been for a while

BrandonArm replied 3380 days ago

What would you call your autobiography?

Living life as Charlie brown

BrandonArm replied 3383 days ago

What one thing do you need to do next?

Finish my break and go to work :P

BrandonArm replied 3388 days ago