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Ask me questions yall

3.7k Replies

Are you left or right eyed?

What now?

BrandonFurness replied 2493 days ago

What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?

A long time ago it was myself. I tried so hard to like myself but I couldn't. Now that I've grown a bit I've realised nobody is perfect and that's okay, so I've learnt to love myself the way I am.

BrandonFurness replied 2493 days ago

How big is your collection of stickers that you have pulled off of fruits? Mine is 157

None.. Haha

BrandonFurness replied 2493 days ago

If you were a worm, how long would you be? ?

Hmm I'm not sure! Maybe the average length for a worm? Haha

BrandonFurness replied 2494 days ago

Also, what is a pickle before it's pickled? Is it a cucumber? Zucchini? A raw pickle? Can you get raw pickles??

My brain just imploded.

BrandonFurness replied 2499 days ago

Cucumbers and zucchinis. In your opinion, are they different? Do you prefer one over the other? Or are they the same to you?

Neither.. haha

BrandonFurness replied 2499 days ago

I live here in America and I couldn't be anymore over it all. I need an Aussie vacation... know any good hotels?

Haha! Fair enough! Good hotels? Ahhh I haven't stayed in many but there are some in Melbourne that are really good! Do that or either Airbnb I hear that's good too!

BrandonFurness replied 2499 days ago

How do you feel about all the political tension in the US?

Not sure, ahha don't live there and don't watch the news enough to really understand it all.

BrandonFurness replied 2499 days ago

How can you be a better person?

How can I be a better person? I don't know, someone would need to tell me.

BrandonFurness replied 2499 days ago

What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?

The happiest thing would have to be just loving life right now all together. Gotta keep smiling!

BrandonFurness replied 2504 days ago

What quote do you live by?

"Everything that happens is from now on." can't change the past, just gotta keep working at that future. Live in the now think of the future.

BrandonFurness replied 2511 days ago

Who was your favourite teacher in high school?

This is hard too because there were plenty of teachers that I liked. Can't really pick one.

BrandonFurness replied 2513 days ago

If you could get to know someone better in high school who would it have been?

Wow that's a tough one. I'm really not sure. I feel like the connections I made in highschool were the right ones at the time. So I guess I'm happy with who I got to know? I don't know. Ahhah

BrandonFurness replied 2513 days ago

What's your fave ed sheeren song, you can only pick one

It's not happening.. Haha!

BrandonFurness replied 2513 days ago

What type of people annoy you the most?

The fake type of people

BrandonFurness replied 2520 days ago