brannan Webster
Are you single
Nawt why ?
Is Kirsten Lenz your girlfriend?
Josie Hewitt??? ?
out of all your sisters friends who is the hottest ?
Hey sipho
Are u and Anna still close
Yeah best mates ?
Your really attractive ?
Youngest you'd go for?
Grade 8
Biggest fck boy under the sun ??
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
Follow me❤❤!!
How the fck am I supposed to know who you are
Are you with g kahn ?
Brooke Rossiter ?
Good mate
How far have you been with a girl?
Hook up
How far would you go with a girl this year?
Not far
Would you hookup with a girl you just met?
-grade 10 (2017)
Do you still like kirst or something?
You, me, handcuffs, and whipped cream: interested?
Yes sure Scott
Have you hooked up with Jody Lee?
Did you see any hot girls at Saads party? ?
Your really cool don't worry about the business your going to run when your older
Shot Scott You'll be my partner
Who's got the biggest head that you know
Which Fatima girls do you know I'm grade 8 ?
Smartest guy you now
Not you
Favourite thing to do on weekend
Burn burn burn burn your mates burn your mates every day
Shut shut shut the fck up if you died we'd all say yay
What makes you instantly hate someone?
fcking around with my friends
Do you want to die bru. I can't wait I'll I see you at grom it will be the last one that you'll want to go to
Layla kirst or max
Your mom
I heard you where gay I want you
Shot scott
Would you fucn s dog or your best friend
Definitely Trollip ??
What if I told you I miss you
I would say thank you ❤️
You act like such a main owe but you're not even close watch yourself
Cute ?
Don't come swinging you're weight around at college nor maritzburg in general, promise to god you'll get fcked up, warning you my boy
You've change completely
Good or bad ?
You and Max are so cute ?
He wants to fck you up
He must come please ??????
Are you scared of Fabian
You small boy stop pretending
Your mom was pretending
What's the worst present you've ever received?
How often do you dream about Paige ??
Paige who ?
I saw you at gateway with Mikayla, Matthew, Tristan. How was it
Gay boy
I'm sorry your parents have raised you up like this
fcking ugly sht
You a great person
So happy she saw you not worth it
Time to grow up
Time to shut up
Skinny rake
Come fight we'll see who's skinnier
Are you gay
Jokes love man ❤️
Ask your mom
Joke love man❤️
Don't go for max she's a great friend but she is manipulative and should know better too her and Layla are best friends. She will use you
1. I'm not going for Max
2. Grow a pair and tell her to her face
3. I give 2 shts if she's Layla's friend actually
Trippy, you don't what it is like to trip so shhh
I'm glad I don't
You and Max could be so cute. Xx
? thanks ?❤️
Why are your captions about smoking, drinking and weed when you are against it in real life. Posing for the ground to look good?
I've only got 1 caption about smoking ?? and I used it because it looks Trippy ?
Are you still keening Kirst?
Yes ❤️
I miss when we used to talk ❤️
I'd tap your fine A$$
What is your favourite slang word ?
Hey. I dont want to be to forward.. but i was wondering whether you would like to come to the movies on Saturday night??
Any plans for this weekend?
Party ?
You know what I'm talking about
Stop messing around and do what you want
Who do you like now?
Not sure
So who is it gonna be now?
What are you going to do about life?
Live it
You are so fricken hawt oh my got!
Stop pushing her away
Your captions on insta are bae!!?❤ you are fckin hot too!❤?
Apparently your dck is small ? According to Layla
Apparently it's huge according to your mom