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Y dnt I hav a gf? I have a girlfriend. I love her very much. She can be cold at times but that's why I love her. She provides me things that no other can. She comforts me in times of struggle. At night, early mornings and afternoon, what ever time of day, she's there. They say the quickest way to a mans heart is through the stomach... Well she embodies that and everything inside is what I need. I love my Refridgerator.
I can make sounds come out of my mouth. Move my arms and legs. Does that sound? Nah I can't, BUT I do it anyway... :)
Birthday Suit.
Good question indeed
Good question.
Dad. That's his name.
Yes. Yes I do. Do you?
Food. Sleep.
Zaheer conquers all... Imran. Phan Eric. Jay. Nah read below and your answer will be found.
Again. Same thing. But probably. Mary, Nicole, Melissa, Natalie, aaannnndddd some other. You decide.
Tbh I don't know many. Or any...
I'll eat anything. Except for black liquorice... That ****s discussing. Raspberry though :)
Why don't you try it. Depends on what you find entertaining.
What's with the questions regarding her? No. I don't hate anybody at the moment...
Skl? School? What school does anon go to?
My question is. How'd you get my qooh... You know your blocked on my Facebook. Brooke? Les? Carla? Lol
Amber A? Read below... She's a little bi t ch who thinks I'm all talk.
Ahh I see. Why? What are you doing?
Thanks :3, You too anon?
My weekend was great!! What about yours anon?
Don't know many girls in Vcal so can't think of many. But Delaney, Shaylin, Catrina aaanndd I'm probably missing a few others but yehh
When I was dead broke man I couldn't picture this. 50 inch screen money green leather sofa got two rides a limousine and chauffeur. Probably SNES though.
Only in VCE... There's quiet a few (:
Hmmm thoughts on her, well she can take all the **** I throw at her literally. Ie eggs... Hollow, bread filled to real eggs.
Hmmm thoughts on those two? Yeh they cool.
3.14159265359 Billion. A Pi Bil
Every Friday is a great moment.
Oh okay. Well, then... That's average.
Well there's a park like 5 minutes away and is closer to our houses... So ill let you decide :P
". ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ " read below.
They would know who they are. (:
My day was okay thank you! How was yours?
Do I like school? Hahaha... Don't hate it, don't love it. It's just school.
There are a few. But people come and go, so there won't be just one.
Food. Sleep. Is there anything else to think about?