Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Whatever I don't care
What the actual f? You're all so delusional! I'm going to be up front! This should just be about Jarrod and I! No one else should even be involved! So if you all could just leave it at that, that would be great
A handful of the year 12 boys of Hillcrest. Everyone else should stay the **** out if it. In fact half the boys involved should stay out of it to because it has nothing to do with them, they are just shielding the ***** that I have a real problem with.
Much applause for being so unified! But you guys are only backing them up because the only side of the story you are getting is there's. and because there are more of them against me it's obviously going to sound like I'm the one being the jerk.
Oh trust me I have flaws! I admit that I'm too passionate. I admit that once I start something I have to finish it, I admit that I hate being wrong and I only challenge when I know I'm right. Therefor it's not often that I am wrong because I only go as public as this when I know I'm right! Being a smart as* the way I am is a flaw, I can't help being as sarcastic as I am. Having red hair is something I wish I could change! I know I get picked on for it, 99% of the time I don't care but that 1% wishes I could change. But I can't help that I have red hair. So that's unfair to take cheap stabs at me for being a ginger.
Being a smart as* and over reacting= starting s h I t you moron. Prove you're a bigger man than me and s*ck it up you wimp
There are some wankers and there are some genuine guys there too! But my focus is on the wankers not the ones that have done nothing wrong. And I'm sorry to those boys that have had no part in this! In fact half the boys that are involved, invited themselves in the issue. So this whole 'war' I suppose between me and a large group of boys shouldn't exist. It first only about me and 1 other person, but that 1 person had a higher influence over the guys I thought I called my mates, and he turned them against me. Little do they know, this 1 individual is a lying snake with his head so far up his fat as*, he can't actually see what's right and what's wrong.
I'm not aiming for an atar? Haha I'm doing what I can to get a satisfactory and graduate so I can study what my dreams are in TAFE. And I'm sorry that I don't want to attend University but not everyone has to go and study law, or a vet, or a doctor! Uni isn't for everyone.
I'm really not. Empty threats don't scare me? Lol
I like being a smart as*, it's the way you guys react that starts fights. You guys had a choice to start **** or leave it... And you decided to start ****.
Grace is pretty judgemental not gonna lie! I've heard some of the things that she has said to people and I was really surprised! So are you saying that Athiests like you are also judgemental back stabbers? Because yeah, and I'm saying that not because I hate Christians, I'm saying that cause its a fact. Either way doesn't everyone judge Muslims to be terrorists? That's judging a religion? Just cause they are Muslim doesn't mean they want to blow everything up. That's just a stereotype. But I'm not judging Christians as a whole. What I have noticed and I saw this on a picture on Facebook saying that Christians can be the most judgemental people in the world, and I agree! They are. Cody Cameron is the perfect example of a Christian in my opinion. That's just what my opinion is, he's forgiving, doesn't judge people by looks or first hand behaviour, if anyone who wants to be a proper Christian, and wants to know how to be one, look at how Cody does it. Respect
They are all beautiful :) I'm not singling anyone out because that's unfair.
Aww feeling so much love c': took the words right out of my mouth!
Preach it nigga! Haha no **** "Christian" my as*! It's the Christians that are the most judgemental and most back stabbing people in the world. Believe it or not that's a fact.
Tell me who you are and we can sort this irritation out. Otherwise just use your brain and block me. Dumb asses these days!
Luv mi bby! One persons opinion means nothing especially when it's a stupid opinion.
Obtaining a relationship for a long period of time
Melanie Richards is number 1!!! Hahahaha oh Jesus! Adrian Russo is someone who always makes me laugh too.
Well I'm not, idk how I could portray myself in this form unless you're in my psychology class. Hahaha admittedly I struggle with that but I'm only noticed more than other cause the teacher likes to pick on me for fun.
Sounds like a croc or s h I t to me lol
Man f u c k the society! Bunch of wannabe t o s s e r s! I'd rather join the mardi gras
I luuuuurrrrvvveee you tooooooo xxxxx
No one anymore.
Ok then?
Yeah she's fabulous :p
I'm sorry but if this is about the kate Thompson thing, that was an opinion I shared to a mate of mine, not an attack by any means. My opinion wasn't very good but unfortunately a snitch found out about what I said and yeah... Turned into something bigger than it should have been. That's the only thing that comes close to what I think youre talking about. And I apologised and I regret what I said. Plus I was in early year 10 when that happened lol
Well i haven't lied to anyone? I have told people that have asked. And to be honest with you it wasn't really something I had to do. It's not like I had to stand up in front of the entire school and announce that I was expelled for abusing a guy that had been bullying my friends for years. I was forced out and had to move because I was defending my best mates little sister when she was bullied by a jerk at a party. She came home crying to me and Jarrod McAleese (he's my witness) so I put on big brother shoes on and abused the guy. Admittedly it was in the wrong way but my intentions was to put this c u n t in his place. And for that he played victim and reported me to the police, deleting anything that would put him in the wrong and made me look like the bad guy. The police forwarded it to the school to handle and the option I was faced with was either expulsion or a criminal record for 'cyber bullying' a bully who actually raped one of my friends a few years back. I have already explained this story before. I haven't been lying to anyone, I've just decided not to talk about it because it was none of your business.
She's the fab queen! She's ma nigga man no one compares to her awesomeness. She uses me for food which is probably why we are friends. In fact that's how we became friends when I offered her free chips xD
There's only one ex that I'd ever date again if I ever had the chance
Isn't that a movie?
Lol f u c k off
Oh awks as hahaha well yeah!!
Why in the world would I do that for?! Haha that's dumb as ****
What the hell???
Hahaha wait wot?! XD
How would I know? I haven't seen her in over a year haha Also just a heads up for you, whatever dog s h I t you have been dished on a platter of lies, I think you should really open your eyes to the truth and figure out that these rumours are physically impossible to believe. Lol it cracks me up so much to see the things you accuse her of without any hard evidence. You've been fed lies and it's really shown in your character that you're a gullible dimwit. People have some growing up to do.
Lol we will see
I'm pretty sure you're birdy is lying to you. Time to stop listening to birds I think, people may think you're a tad crazy because birds don't actually talk in a language a human being can understand.
Haha ok ill hold you too that
Biggest mistake you have made from where I am now, to where you are?
I'm certainly intrigued to find out who you are... My odds of finding that out are slim but just for reassurance.... I don't bite! At least not hard anyway ;)
Haha I love making people smile :) thank you for giving me positive feedback on my humour haha :p
Shorts and singlet cause its f u c k I n g hot
Well I don't know not many people ever really get to the stage of liking me like that. Unless people do an I can't pick it so I'm not really much help there. If you like someone I reckon a good talk about it to settle them down, and slowly bring it up is the best way. It's really hard and there is no easy way to do because it's so tough, so anyone saying "just tell them" have got to be kidding themselves. I reckon it's good being nervous, it shows you really care!! But eventually you just have to have a yolo moment and just spit those words out.
Well I haven't made up any bull****, no one has really asked why I moved, and for those who do ask I just say 'long story' or 'personal reasons' But the reason I moved was because I was expelled for backing up a friend from a bully, but this guy who was bullying my friend plays the victim role very well. Hence crying to his *****y mother and his mother took it to either the police or the school. Anyway to shorten the story I was expelled and all the evidence I had to defend my place at the school was over looked and not even considered. So I was punished and all the abuse that I received was tossed aside and never seen.
I would have said "admit to the person I like that I have feelings for them" but I did that last night so... Haha :s
No way I never ever expect something in return. I know what's in it for me and that's to see that person smiling and happy. That's what is in it for me
Go travelling by myself. Idk
Dumb as*!!! Find her picture under the definition of blonde in the dictionary. Type up dumb blondes on google and her Facebook profile appears. Hahahaha jokes jokes <3 beautiful blonde! Honestly fantastic girl I adore her to bits
Words cannot express my love for mikey! He's a babe and a half, I wish I could see him more because we seriously have some good times!
That's what everyone keeps telling me hahahaha! I remember face planting on the floor a lot...
What the hell? Haha want a full character profile or something?!
I'm not entirely sure, I know I'm a smart as* but only when necessary. I guess some people may find me annoying, idk I just try to be normal. I am who I am and if people think negatively of me about it then whatever. There loss not mine
This question is so dumb, it's rhetorical really. Everyone knows the answer to this. Yes. I believe it's number 1 key factor.
Lol idk they are all worthy leaders. They all deserve there spots and deserve to be recognised for there amazing ability to public speak in front of what could be the most judgemental year level. Respect
No unfortunately not every day
She looks like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Well I know mitch and he's an awesome bloke, well deserved and I highly respect him. I don't know Jess very well but she appears to be an extremely intelligent individual and that's a perfect quality to have as a leader. Congratulations to the both of them!
I'm the fab in fabulous ;) hehe
New laptop would be fabulous
Ok, I just find it flattering to know who actually likes me. Also just informing you that if you do want me to know one day you shouldn't be worried about what I'd think.
Yeah she does
My ability to tell stories haha
Yeah look if you have something for me there is nothing to be afraid of. I get it if you don't wish to inform me of who you are, but I'm not going to think differently of you, I'm all for opportunities. Haha as the school moto goes "be not afraid" :p
I have only seen her once since I moved schools.
No she probably doesn't, I don't tell her because I don't really want to. Because I'm not sure what I want yet
She's beautiful, amazing, cute. Idk. Just liked her for ages
Nah she doesn't
Yeah I do
Of course I stay loyal, I'm the kind of guy that takes it slow to respect my girl and create the kind of relationship where there are things to look forward to in time. Ill never say 'I love you' unless I mean it and I've only said it once in a relationship. The point of that is so when I say it, it means so much more. Honestly I'm a s*cker for the cute stuff and ill take that over *ex any day.
Always on the tune ;) no time to stop
Being awesome!'but I never stop doing that.
My brother
The next Sherlock Holmes man
HA! I know who you are :p
Umm ok? Haha sure
Parents don't know me very well at all
Of course, always making new friends. Got a handful now that I hold dearly to my heart
Of course, never stop
I've said this so many times! I don't rate girls. Especially place them in ranks of how pretty I think they are. I'm not in year 7 I'm year 12. Grow up.
Sky Lee is a dear friend of mine who I lost to cancer, wouldn't mind seeing her. R.I.P Sky :(
Your point is very valid, I would delete it if I got hate but I don't which is a relief! This is more a last resort to cure my over growing boredom!
I didn't say anything directly to kate it was something I said about her to a mate of mine who was overheard by a snitch when he was discussing it privately with his mates. I regrettably said degrading things about her and do not wish to repeat on here.
I can't remember I haven't been in a relationship in over a year... Haha these days I give out the advice.
Don't know don't care
Dylon, Tyler, jake, brad are the male mates I trust the most right now, I did have more but **** happened I suppose. Teeghan, Kristen, Claire, akanksha, Eustina, Andrea, Mel Machell, Helen and kaitlyn, talia. they Are the girl mates I trust at the moment as well. They are my main people at the moment
This is an interesting question... I think what comes to mind first is what I said about kate Thompson a while back, because it was extremely uncalled for and it really hurt her and I hurt myself by being so cruel to an innocent individual. I can't really think of anything else that really stands out to me.
Aww this is so sweet :) that's what I'm here to do!
I actually don't know I'm absolutely trashed from the night before, so my mind is mentally exhausted
It's probably the hair haha
No I'm not doing that
Umm idk wouldn't mind getting to know anyone really haha
My life
I'm playing gta though :(