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Spam me please

229 Replies

You're very impetuous which makes you come across pretentious, this is very axiomatic; while you might think we we are sadistic; we see you as being narcissistic.

Whatever I don't care

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Everyone has got plenty of your side of the story, you've viciously rammed it down people's throats with your sooking

What the actual f? You're all so delusional! I'm going to be up front! This should just be about Jarrod and I! No one else should even be involved! So if you all could just leave it at that, that would be great

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Fair enough; who are these boys that you have a problem with?

A handful of the year 12 boys of Hillcrest. Everyone else should stay the **** out if it. In fact half the boys involved should stay out of it to because it has nothing to do with them, they are just shielding the ***** that I have a real problem with.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Everyone at hillcrest is so unified this year, the boys get on well with everyone and are totally supportive of them against you as all you seem to do is whinge and sook and be a hypocrite

Much applause for being so unified! But you guys are only backing them up because the only side of the story you are getting is there's. and because there are more of them against me it's obviously going to sound like I'm the one being the jerk.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

the guys do admit their flaws though, unlike you who is never wrong apparently

Oh trust me I have flaws! I admit that I'm too passionate. I admit that once I start something I have to finish it, I admit that I hate being wrong and I only challenge when I know I'm right. Therefor it's not often that I am wrong because I only go as public as this when I know I'm right! Being a smart as* the way I am is a flaw, I can't help being as sarcastic as I am. Having red hair is something I wish I could change! I know I get picked on for it, 99% of the time I don't care but that 1% wishes I could change. But I can't help that I have red hair. So that's unfair to take cheap stabs at me for being a ginger.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Being a smart as* = starting s h i t you absolute pleb

Being a smart as* and over reacting= starting s h I t you moron. Prove you're a bigger man than me and s*ck it up you wimp

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Geeeez; everyone likes bashing the hillcrest guys; yes there is some wankers, but there's also some great ones there as well;
and you haven't even been gone for a whole year yet, so don't consider your self to be any better.

There are some wankers and there are some genuine guys there too! But my focus is on the wankers not the ones that have done nothing wrong. And I'm sorry to those boys that have had no part in this! In fact half the boys that are involved, invited themselves in the issue. So this whole 'war' I suppose between me and a large group of boys shouldn't exist. It first only about me and 1 other person, but that 1 person had a higher influence over the guys I thought I called my mates, and he turned them against me. Little do they know, this 1 individual is a lying snake with his head so far up his fat as*, he can't actually see what's right and what's wrong.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Your a sad ****

Boo fkn hoo

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Not everything you say is correct you imbecile. For someone who thinks he's so smart, you're pretty crap at school. Have fun with your mediocre ATAR

I'm not aiming for an atar? Haha I'm doing what I can to get a satisfactory and graduate so I can study what my dreams are in TAFE. And I'm sorry that I don't want to attend University but not everyone has to go and study law, or a vet, or a doctor! Uni isn't for everyone.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Your gonna get your head kicked in one day

I'm really not. Empty threats don't scare me? Lol

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

Why do always like to start fights?

I like being a smart as*, it's the way you guys react that starts fights. You guys had a choice to start **** or leave it... And you decided to start ****.

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

You said " Christians are the most judgemental and back stabbing people in the world."
Well.. Grace Soetopo?
Sounds like you are a really judgemental and back stabbing person for you to judge someone just cause of their religion.
P.s i am an athesist

Grace is pretty judgemental not gonna lie! I've heard some of the things that she has said to people and I was really surprised! So are you saying that Athiests like you are also judgemental back stabbers? Because yeah, and I'm saying that not because I hate Christians, I'm saying that cause its a fact. Either way doesn't everyone judge Muslims to be terrorists? That's judging a religion? Just cause they are Muslim doesn't mean they want to blow everything up. That's just a stereotype. But I'm not judging Christians as a whole. What I have noticed and I saw this on a picture on Facebook saying that Christians can be the most judgemental people in the world, and I agree! They are. Cody Cameron is the perfect example of a Christian in my opinion. That's just what my opinion is, he's forgiving, doesn't judge people by looks or first hand behaviour, if anyone who wants to be a proper Christian, and wants to know how to be one, look at how Cody does it. Respect

Brendanspud replied 3974 days ago

hottest girls in your house in year 12?

They are all beautiful :) I'm not singling anyone out because that's unfair.

Brendanspud replied 3975 days ago

Yes those hillcrestt boys are complete tosses, making up a society wtf? think yourself lucky to be out of there! You my friend are awesome

Aww feeling so much love c': took the words right out of my mouth!

Brendanspud replied 3975 days ago

dont worry, hillcrest boys can be deceiving; I thought they would be all nice and christian, but most of them are just devilish ****s! Dont let them get to you.

Preach it nigga! Haha no **** "Christian" my as*! It's the Christians that are the most judgemental and most back stabbing people in the world. Believe it or not that's a fact.

Brendanspud replied 3975 days ago