Brian bell-gallagher
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why you such an amazing brother <3 paaigekristine
aha idk lol :p I try I guess
I smoke cigs you are correct.
haha im anon and you're a f** ;) come at meh broooo
sounds like someone I know, I will *** at you with pleasure :)
I heard you liked it up the as*? True?
allday everyday, who is this maybe ill let you bro!
Dude, im like a mind reader.
Blown away!
Good! When will I see this survey??? Youd probably just be like "yo, do you like me?"
they would be like "no"
And youd be like "well, im checking off yes just to prove that i do have as many friends as i say i do!"
DAMMIT YOU CAUGHT ME! :P and you will see it when it's done!
Id say a little less? :p
Im just teasing you.
hmm I will take a survey for you :D and I know i don't take anything to heart so don't worry!
Just because half the school knows you, doesnt mean that they like you broskie.
oooo burn!, and ok half the school knows me and 35-40% like me!
Do you really have a lot of friends as you say you do?!
Happy now?
hahaha yep i do, half the school knows me silly! and yes im happy now i got a questions!
Who were you in love with?
a girl :p lol
Are you in love?
no, have been before, not atm though :/