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Briar Messer


a$k me $hit yo ♥

3 Replies

why aren't you and shaniah friends?

weeeow, really? well... she was the shi*test friend someone could ask for. She chose her boyfriend over her best friend even though he was an as*hole to her. I wouldn\'t be able to do anything without her checking or correcting me. I wasn\'t aloud to hang out with my other friends or she would go have the meeeanest spaz at me, she did alot of se*ual stuff while i was there, in the car, in the same room and even kicked me outta a caravan so she could have a f***. I was ( not being up myself) but always there for her, let her do what she wants, got caught and in trouble cause of her. On my BIRTHDAY she ditched me for the WHOLE day to hang with Regan. I would always be a back up plan when some little ****s couldnt do what she wanted, so yeah thats why.

BriarBieberx0x replied 4332 days ago

are you going to the summer carnival? xx


BriarBieberx0x replied 4332 days ago

Who are you dating and why?

no one

BriarBieberx0x replied 4339 days ago