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He knows what i think of him ❤❤❤❤❤
Liesss. But thankyou x
Goood as
Dunno fair while LOL
Yeahhh bridgethanratty ;p
Nice as, funny, good too talk too, fun to hang out with and good to drink withh :) x
Probably nothing, they wouldn't remember?
Awh thanks :p whos thiss, and we can talk? x
Aha whos this?
Yeah righto
Nice as, good too talk too, can keep the conversation going and yeah shoud hang out sometimeee
Your funny as, good to talk to, and can keep the conversation going, fun too hang out with, and need to talk moree :) :)
Tbh: nice as, good to talk too, caring, funny and good to be around :p and should talk more :p
Nice to knowww
Dunno hah
Looks like a turd. jk, my lil buddy, funny to be around, got about 500000000 hilarious memories, and your always there for me and i love u xox
Dont really know him
Oh hi A$$hole, nah your funny as, nice, good to be around and one of mi best buds,, we have the most fkd up conversations in class but yanno aha, also you should defs have a party! Srs xoxoxoxox ily
Louiseee xoxox your a hottie, so funny and hilarious to drink with, keen for tays!! Your the nicest and we have some good memories, love u loads xxxxxx
So nice, hilarious and pretty as! Good to party with aswell, should get closer xxx
Main farmer, good kid, nice and funny
Nice as,, funny, knows how too keep a converstaion going and good to talk too :-)
Nice as, funny, good to talk too and attractive :p
Kimelle is really pretty!!!!!!! And i love her hair so much!!!!! She has really nice eyelashes and she is really funny and makes me laugh ehehebeheheh, serena is really pretty!!!!! has really good abbs and has a nice nose, and i like her eyes and her hair is rlly cool ILY
No he defiantly didnt
My bff
Love her heaps, trust her with everything, funny and gorgeous as xoxoxoxo one of mi best buds
Bothh 8
Jay- So nice, funny, good to talk too and trust him heaps, good mate :-) dont really know sam sorry
Thats fkd
I dont have a butt